M EDICAL S TUDENTS A TTITUDES AND K NOWLEDGE TOWARDS B IOSTATISTICS Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto Introdução à Medicina – 2007/2008 Class 8
Aims Survey Description Sample Methods Sample Description Stastical analysis Results Preliminar Conclusions
Main aims: Determine the importance they give to this subject in medical education; Evaluate senior medical students about their knowledge on biostatistics, supported by a survey; Evaluate the level of discrepancy between their opinion about biostatistics importance in making medical decisions and their skills on the field. Secondary aims: Compare our results with the results obtained in the study we based on. (“Medicine Residents' Understanding of the Biostatistics and Results in the Medical Literature”; JAMA; 2007 )
Our survey is divided in two different sections: First Section: Individual Questions : - subjective character; - regarding attitudes; Second Section: Multiple-choice questions : - objective character; - regarding knowledge.
Study participants were selected among the 5 th year medical students of Faculdade de Medicina da UP. 7 classes (194 students) 4 classes selected (class 2, 3, 5 e 6) Potential sample: 87 students
Our sample is composed by 31 medical students attending to 5 th year of Faculdade de Medicina da UP, in which we have 17 men and 14 women.
SPSS ® Program ― analysis of collected data through the survey, using Chi-square Tests; SPSS ® Program ― analysis of collected data through the survey, using Chi-square Tests; Create a table data and compare it with the results of the referenced article. Create a table data and compare it with the results of the referenced article. (“Medicine Residents' Understanding of the Biostatistics and Results in the Medical Literature”; JAMA; 2007 )
67,7% agrees that biostatistics is a very important subject on medical education.
The survey’s 2nd section results presents a normal distribution. K-S test: p=0,92 p> 0,05 (0,05 is the level of significancy), so the distribution is normal.
14% Chi-Square test: p=0,808 p>0,05, so, there is no relation between the test results and the students conviction about their knowledge on biostatistics. 29%57% 25%33% 50%17% 42%
Chi-square test: p=0,010 p<0,05, so there is a relation between test results and students wish of learning more about biostatistics. 83% 44% 11% 17% 43%57%
Chi-square test: p=0,024 P<0,05, so there is a relation between test results and the importance given to biostatistics as a subject on medical education. 60%40% 100% 24%48%29%
The majority of the students which had the highest results on the test (between 14 and 17) are the ones: who consider biostatistics teaching important on medical education; who consider biostatistics teaching important on medical education; who reveal to be the most interested on increasing their knowledge on this area. who reveal to be the most interested on increasing their knowledge on this area.