Leadership Mind and Heart Chapter 5 Leadership Mind and Heart
Capacity vs. Competence Capacity: the potential each of us has to do more and be more than we are now. The potential for expansion and growth - is unlimited, whereas competence (i.e. skills ) is limited and quantifiable Can’t learn capacity, but we can expand and develop leadership capacity
Geeks and Geezers: four leadership competencies that transcend generational differences Adaptive capacity: the ability to navigate through and grow from a crucible Ability to engage others in shared meaning. Character and a distinctive voice: people respond to leaders who have conviction, a powerful sense of justice, and a passionate desire to do the right thing. Leaders communicate largely through their actions Integrity and strong values: balance of ambition, competence, and a moral compass.
Mental Models Theories people hold about specific systems in the world and their expected behavior WSJ article: People believe a fact…. (see also text p. 136)
Assumptions The more aware the leader is of his or her assumptions, the more the leader understands how assumptions guide behavior Regard assumptions as temporary ideas rather than fixed truths Question whether long-held assumptions fit the reality of your current situation.
Ex. 5.2 The Perception Process Organizing selected data into patterns for interpretation and response Screening and selecting stimuli to process further Observation via the senses Environmental stimuli Mental models affect all stages of the perception process Film clips: Fog of War
Stereotyping The tendency to assign a person to a group or broad category and then to attribute widely held generalizations about the group to the individual
Leader’s Mind Independent thinking Mindfulness Mindlessness Questioning assumptions and interpreting data and events according to one’s own beliefs, ideas, and thinking, rather than pre-established rules or categories defined by others Mindfulness The process of continuously reevaluating previously learned ways of doing things in the context of evolving information and shifting circumstances Mindlessness Blindly accepting rules and labels created by others.
Pike syndrome When people assume they have complete knowledge of a situation because of past experiences, they exhibit a trained incapacity that comes from rigid commitment to what was true in the past and a refusal to consider alternatives and different perspectives.
Open-mindedness Expert’s mind: rejects new ideas based on past experience and knowledge (manager). Sees questioning of their ideas as a threat. Beginner's mind: puts aside preconceptions and suspend beliefs and opinions (leaders). Encourages everyone in the organization to openly debate assumptions, confront paradoxes, question perceptions, and express feelings.
Action memo Think independently. Don’t let others do your thinking for you. Be curious (always ask why?), keep an open mind, look at a problem or situation from multiple perspectives before reaching your conclusions. Challenge pre-established rules and routines if they are detrimental to the organization and its purpose.
Systems Thinking The ability to see the synergy of the whole rather than just the separate elements of a system and to learn to reinforce or change whole system patterns
Systems thinking It is the relationship among the parts that form a whole system. Systems thinking enables leaders to look for patterns, especially changes over time, and to sort through the complexity of their organizations. See exhibit 5.2 on page 142
Management Complexity Variability Inputs, outputs, demand Uncertainty Two types of complexity Detail complexity: many variables Dynamic complexity: situations where cause and effect are subtle, and where the effects over time of interventions are not obvious.
Dynamic complexity: it can take days to produce something, weeks to develop a new marketing promotion, months to hire and train new people, and years to develop new products, nurture management talent, and build a reputation for quality – and all of these processes interact continually. The real leverage in most management situations lies in understanding dynamic complexity, not detail complexity.
Personal mastery: three qualities Personal vision: continual focusing and defining what one wants as a desired future Facing reality: leaders are relentless in uncovering the mental models that limit and deceive them and are willing to challenge assumptions and ways of doing things. These leaders are committed to the truth and, and will break through denial of the reality in themselves and others. Holding creative tension: the vision pulls reality forward, as opposed to reality pulling the vision downward.
Emotional Intelligence A person’s abilities to perceive, identify, understand, and successfully manage emotions in self and others
Ex. 5.5 Eight Families of Emotions Enjoyment Anger Fear Love Disgust Surprise Shame Sadness
Ex. 5.6 The Components of Emotional Intelligence Self-Awareness Social Awareness Emotional self awareness Accurate self-assessment Self-confidence Empathy Organizational awareness Service orientation Self-Management Relationship Management Emotional self-control Trustworthiness Conscientiousness Adaptability Optimism Achievement-orientation Initiative Development of others Inspirational leadership Influence Communication Change catalyst Conflict management Bond building Teamwork and collaboration
Types of Motivation Fear-based Motivation Love-based Motivation Motivation based on fear of losing a job Love-based Motivation Motivation based on feeling valued in the job
Fear in organizations Fear creates avoidance behavior. It inhibits growth and change and may slowly destroy people’s spirits. Leaders control the fear level in the organization. Fear weakens trust and communications. Undiscussables: e.g. suggestions for improvement and behavior of executives A leader’s fear can manifest itself in arrogance, selfishness, unfairness, and disrespect for others. When leaders act from their own fear, they create fear in others.
Bringing love to work Leaders are responsible for creating a new environment where people feel safe to speak their minds without fear. Love as motivation: enables people to feel alive, connected, energized. Love as feelings: liking, caring, and bliss Love as action: helping, listening, cooperating, forgiving. Why followers respond to love Hear and understand me Even if you disagree with me, please don’t make me wrong Acknowledge the greatness within me Remember to look for my loving intentions Tell me the truth with compassion