Stress Management Chapter 12.2
What Causes You Stress Make a list of things in your life that cause stress….discuss with your table group Let’s hear what you all had to say… Can someone else’s problems cause you stress? HOW
Reality Matters DVD Stress and Anxiety Watch the video and write down at least 5 points that you found interesting OR new information that you had not heard before Once video is over, turn in for points
Stress Definition: Common reaction to change and problems
I. Causes of Stress Many everyday situations cause stress Examples: Being late Misplacing a textbook Getting caught in traffic Difficult working conditions Strained relationships Family problems
II. Positive Side of Stress? Stress can get you motivated to do something positive Examples: “I work best under pressure” Some athletes perform their best under pressure “Positive stress is like a wind-up toy, it puts you in motion and keeps you going.”
III. Stress Overload Can cause both physical and mental illness Even though winding the toy will make it go, winding it TOO much will break the spring.
What Stress Feels Like… Irritable or depressed Pounding heart Rash Impulsive behavior Emotionally unstable Inability to make decisions Urge to cry Unable to concentrate Weakness/dizziness Appetite loss or overeating Menstrual problems Neck and back pain Can’t sleep or sleep too much Headaches ……………………Just to name a few………………………………………..
IV. Stress Management Techniques that will help you cope responsibly and comfortably with the demands of life Step One: Recognizing stress signals: headaches, tension, nail biting, urge to cry nightmares, impulsive behaviors, etc. Step Two: Limiting stress in your life: maintain good health and manage you life well
Step III Reacting to stress: 1.Put events in perspective 2.Use your support system 3.Take appropriate action 4.Release emotions 5.Use positive self talk