Overview of Environmental Geology
The Earth System
Environmental Geology Geology – the study of the earth, its materials and their properties, its internal and external physical, chemical, and biological properties, and its history
Environmental Geology Environment – anything, living or nonliving, that surrounds and influences living organisms
Environmental Geology Environmental Geology – the application of geology to environmental concerns
Environmental Geology Geologic processes affect every inhabitant of Earth Earthquakes Floods Landslides Volcanoes
Environmental Geology Geologic processes operate on multiple time scales Slow geological processes Formation of minerals Evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere Fast geological processes Earthquakes Landslides
1994 Los Angeles Earthquake
Environmental Geology Humans depend on material resources from the Earth Minerals Metals Energy Soil Water
Human Population Growth
Environmental Geology Concepts in environmental geology The Earth System The Earth is unique The Earth is a closed system Energy flows through the system Matter cycles through the system Geologic processes and humans operate on different time scales
The Earth System
The Earth System
Components of the Earth System
Environmental Geology Concepts in environmental geology Hazardous Processes Hazardous processes have always existed Risk is a characteristic of the human-Earth system relationship
Environmental Geology Concepts in environmental geology Earth Resources We are fundamentally dependent on Earth’s resources for the conduct of modern society Resources are limited Earth’s resources can be managed properly
Types of Resources
Environmental Geology Concepts in environmental geology Waste Human activities generate waste – we do not throw anything “away” Human activities can alter the Earth System Dam building Urbanization Agriculture Deforestation Natural resource extraction
Environmental Geology Concepts in environmental geology The Human-Earth System Relationship Managing the Earth System involves managing human behavior
Environmental Geology The scope of environmental geology Earth Materials Minerals, rocks Internal Processes Volcanoes Earthquakes
Environmental Geology The scope of environmental geology External Processes Water Wind Ice
Environmental Geology The scope of environmental geology Resources Groundwater Surface water Metals Soils Energy Fossil fuels Non-fuel minerals
Per Capita Energy Demand
Solar Energy
Natural Gas
Oil Pumpjack
Aluminum Ore