Learning Resources for Health Conference 24th March 2009 NHS Evidence goes live 30 th April 2009 Anne Weist National Library for Health
Contents of this presentation Darzi and NHS Evidence Key principles of NHS Evidence Accreditation for NHS Evidence Content NLH Current resources Mock up pages NHS Evidence: working in partnership
Darzi report: High quality care for all The report stated that: ‘NICE will manage the synthesis and spread of knowledge through NHS Evidence – a new single portal through which anyone will be able to access clinical and non-clinical evidence and best practice, both what high quality care looks like and how to deliver it. Greater clarity on standards, and where to find them, will support the commissioning and uptake of the most clinically and cost-effective diagnostics, treatments and procedures’.
Key principles for NHS Evidence Comprehensive access to variety of external sources … … but not directly generating new content Independent accreditation process to highlight high quality information … … focussed initially on summarised evidence (e.g. guidelines) Highlight ongoing clinical trials … … and still make primary research evidence available Principally designed for professionals… … but also available to patients and the public As easy and simple to use as Google… … presenting results in logical categories Use existing networks for on-going marketing and communication … … and recognised as “more than just a website” NHS Evidence
The NHS Evidence accreditation scheme NHS Evidence Accreditation Scheme Transparent and based on standardised criteria and processes Unbiased with oversight by an independent Advisory Board Initially focused on ‘guidelines’ sources of evidence Based on the process used to develop evidence Kitemark will become well-known and recognised Sources will be accredited, rather than individual articles Key aim: to identify trusted sources of information and set best practice standards
Content Goes live 30 th April At first, the main source will be the content currently held by the National Library for Health It will become richer over time and will include: –Commissioning data –Local experience –Social care Developments will be guided by users
NLH current resources
Current coverage
NHS Evidence Draft Mock-up screens
NHS Evidence home page (R1) Draft version only
NHS Evidence home page – user logged-in (R2) Draft version
NHS Evidence working in partnership A key high quality collection for the whole health and social care community. NHS Evidence will: –provide easier access to clinical and non clinical information about health and social care –work with users to identify relevant databases that meet quality criteria –encourage users to submit relevant content –commission and share learning resources that facilitate its uptake –conduct continuous user research
Find us from 30 April Communicating with NHS Evidence: Keeping up to date with developments from 1 st April 2009 Questions?