Black Holes Shannon Schmoll University of Washington Department of Astronomy
Special and General Relativity SPECIAL RELATIVITY Nothing Can Travel Faster than the speed of light, 300,000,000 km/s GENERAL RELATIVTY Extension to SR that includes a theory on gravity Explained why it’s the only force that acts instantaneously 2
Gravity in General Relativity Gravity is a ‘warp’ in space-time caused by mass: MORE MASS = MORE WARP = MORE PULL TO FALL IN
So…What is a Black Hole ? A HOLE! First what it’s not: IT IS: A lot of mass pushed into a itty-bitty amount of space
Why are Black Holes Black? The Escape Velocity of the black hole is greater than the speed of light Things on earth can escape with a certain velocity V > 11.2 km/s Wheeler coined the term “black hole” in 1969 V < 11.2 km/s V > c V < c
What are Black Holes Made Of? Most Black Holes in the universe are made of collapsed stars ANYTHING with mass can be a Black Hole! Just make it small enough using the Schwarzchild Radius: RsRs = 2GM c2c2 e-e-
Where Can Black Holes be Found? In the Center of our Home, the Milky Way. Sagitarius A* In the Center of Other Galaxies! Usually in the form of “Active Galatic Nuclei or Quasi-Stellar Radio Sources” …
…And Coming Soon to Earth!… …With the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, opening in 2007 in Geneva LHC Facts Circular Particle Accelerator 27 km Circumference Will run 4 experiments including creating black holes smaller than a proton
What did we learn? Black Holes are not Holes, but compressed matter They cause gravitational forces so large that light can’t escape their pull They can be made of anything…even humans! They can be really tiny Future Reading