Final Remarks
Workshop program
Remarks Large synergies with other neutron detectors: MONSTER, DESCANT Continuous feed back from gamma spectroscopy arrays: AGATA, GALILEO, EXOGAM2, PARIS –Electronics coupling –Final geometry Importance of charged particle detectors, TRACE, DIAMANT Physics need of neutron detectors –Interest of the gamma spectroscopy groups (2n,3n) –Reaction + FARCOS (energy information, angular) Good understanding of the simulations –First test and comparison with simulations Very good agreement! –Unitary cell size and global geometry for NEDA Mechanics for NEDA (D. Jenkins will start discussion with J. Simpson, Daresbury) Electronics: Synergies between different detectors: EXOGAM2, NEDA, PARIS, DIAMANT
BC501A and BC537 detectors Currently bought commercial detectors from Saint Gobain Two detectors 5”x5” BC537 (LNL-INFN) Two detectors 5”x5” BC501A (York-Valencia) A. Pipidis (founded SP2PP) working on the characterization of the detectors.
Following steps Test of the prototype BC501A in Valencia/LNL/Warsaw/Uppsala –Efficiency –Cross talk –… SIPM tests with neutron detectors – Synergies with PARIS (D. Jenkins) Decission before April/May 2011 on the FADC needed for NEDA M. Tripon Steering Committee decision on the final geometry for NEDA Steering Committee decision on the liquid scintilator to be used Steering Committee phases of NEDA Final MoU November 2011.
Phases of NEDA The current development on new materials and readout systems for neutron detection makes necessary to build NEDA in four different phases: Phase 0: Upgrade of Neutron Wall with digital electronics. Phase 1: R&D on new material and light readout systems for a highly segmented neutron detector array. Phase 3: Construction of a limited size Demonstrator Phase 4: Final construction of NEDA
Budget issues Three main options: –200 detectors BC501A – PM readout –Digital electronics Total cost: 600K€ (BC501A) + 200K€(Elec.) + 40K€ (mechanics) = 840 K€ –200 detectors BC536 – PM readout – Digital electronics Total cost: 2000K€ (BC537) + 200K€(Elec.) + 40K€ (mechanics) = 2240 K€ –Upgrade Neutron Wall - Phase 0 (Digital electronics) Total cost (50 channels) = 40K€