Under the Hood of the Open Verifier Bor-Yuh Evan Chang, Adam Chlipala, Kun Gao, George Necula, and Robert Schneck October 21, 2003 OSQ Group Meeting
2 10/21/2003 Issues with PCC and FPCC Flexibility –Can the code producer use a different (or multiple) safety enforcement mechanism(s)? e.g., various type systems, vcgen proofs More FlexibleLess Flexible FPCC OV PCC
3 10/21/2003 Issues with PCC and FPCC Scalability –Can the proof obligations for the code producer be simplified? More ScalableLess Scalable PCC OV FPCC
4 10/21/2003 Issues with PCC and FPCC Amount of Trusted Code –Can the amount of trusted code in the verification infrastructure be lessened while maintaining flexibility and scalability? Less Trusted CodeMore Trusted Code FPCC OV PCC
5 10/21/2003 An Untrusted Verifier The code producer supplies the verifier along with the code –flexibility: code producer can provide a verifier to handle particular enforcement mechanism –scalability: specialized reasoning for the enforcement mechanism encoded in executable form –amount of trusted code: verifier extension with specialized reasoning is not trusted Too hard to prove correctness of the verifier Embed the untrusted verifier as an extension in a trusted infrastructure (the Open Verifier) untrustedtrusted verifier extension OpenVer code verifier extension
6 10/21/2003 Outline Motivation Architecture Overview Simple Local Invariants –Decoder –Extension –Coverage Complete Local Invariants –Coverage Summary
7 10/21/2003 The Open Verifier Decoder I Pinstruction at locinv I safe if P holds Dnext locinvs D Director Extension trusted untrusted locinvI Pa proof of P EDa proof that E covers D next locinvsE code
8 10/21/2003 The Open Verifier Decoder Director Extension trusted untrusted locinvI next locinvsE code StandardCoolVerifier Cool Extension DefinitionsandLemmas
9 10/21/2003 The Open Verifier Decoder Director Extension trusted untrusted locinvI next locinvsE code Proof Extractor for Traditional PCC Generic Extension
10 10/21/2003 An Example class S { S next() { … }; } class R extends S { S next() { … } void f(S x) { x = this; while (x != null) { x = x.next(); } r THIS : R, r THIS 0, r x : S 1 Rf: r x := r THIS r x : R, r x 0 2 L 2 : if r x =0 jump L 9 r x : R, r x 0 3 L 3 : load r t from r x + 4 r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 4 L 4 : r THIS := r x r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 5 L 5 : r RA := L 7 r RA = L 7, r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 6 L 6 : ijump r t r RV : S 7 L 7 : r x := r RV r x : S 8 L 8 : jump L 2 9 L 9 : ijump r RA 20 Snext: … 30 Rnext: …
11 10/21/2003 Local Invariants (Locinvs) - Part 1 Language of discourse in the Open Verifier Should be –simple, natural –sufficiently powerful, “complete” A predicate about the machine state at a specific instruction
12 10/21/2003 Local Invariants - Part 1 Informal: At r PC = 1, the memory is laid out according to the Cool specification, r THIS has type R, r THIS is non-null, and r x has type S. (More) Formal: r PC = 1 Æ (cinv r M ); mem ok Æ r THIS : R Æ r THIS 0 Æ r x : S r THIS : R, r THIS 0, r x : S 1 Rf: r x := r THIS 2 L 2 : if r x =0 jump L 9 3 L 3 : load r t from r x L 4 : r THIS := r x 5 L 5 : r RA := L 7 6 L 6 : ijump r t 7 L 7 : r x := r RV 8 L 8 : jump L 2 9 L 9 : ijump r RA
13 10/21/2003 Decoder Encodes the semantics of machine instructions and the safety policy Essentially, a strongest- postcondition generator decoder(I) = (P, D ) I:r PC = 1 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r THIS : R Æ r THIS 0 Æ r x : S P:True D : [ 9 t x. r PC = 2 Æ r x = r THIS Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r THIS : R Æ r THIS 0 Æ t x : S] 1 Rf: r x := r THIS 2 L 2 : if r x =0 jump L 9
14 10/21/2003 Local Invariants - Part 2 Existentially quantified predicates parameterized by the machine state and structured into –first-order assumptions A Machine state specifies the values of the PC, the registers, and the memory –left implicit in the examples
15 10/21/2003 Extension Required to prove: –Local safety condition (I ) P) Either trivial or some address is valid Type-based extensions use the soundness of the type system ED –Coverage ( E covers D )
16 10/21/2003 Coverage ( E covers D ) means roughly where safe I means “if locinv I is satisfied, then safe progress can be made” but it is sufficient to show
17 10/21/2003 Coverage Covering a single D = 9 x D. (A D x D ) or it is sufficient to show for some E = 9 x E.(A E x E ) 2 E
18 10/21/2003 Coverage Typically, the extension makes minor modifications to the locinv produced by the decoder. –e.g., to forget about some detailed information not necessary for demonstrating safety Can implement proof of coverage more efficiently by considering kinds of changes –e.g., using the decoder’s locinv or simply dropping assumptions from the decoder’s locinv requires no coverage proof.
19 10/21/2003 Coverage - Add Assumptions 1 Rf: r x := r THIS I:r PC = 1 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r THIS : R Æ r THIS 0 Æ r x : S P:True D : [ 9 t x. r PC = 2 Æ r x = r THIS Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r THIS : R Æ r THIS 0 Æ t x : S] E : [r PC = 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : R Æ r x 0] ( E covers D ) requires 8 x D. (A D x D ) ) r x : R Æ r x 0
20 10/21/2003 Coverage - Scanned Locinv (Loops) 1 L 8 : jump L 2 I:r PC = 8 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S P:True D : [r PC = L 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S] E : [r PC = L 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : R Æ r x 0] r THIS : R, r THIS 0, r x : S 1 Rf: r x := r THIS r x : R, r x 0 2 L 2 : if r x =0 jump L 9 r x : R, r x 0 3 L 3 : load r t from r x + 4 r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 4 L 4 : r THIS := r x r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 5 L 5 : r RA := L 7 r RA = L 7, r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 6 L 6 : ijump r t r RV : S 7 L 7 : r x := r RV r x : S 8 L 8 : jump L 2 9 L 9 : ijump r RA ( E covers D ) r x : S ) r x : R Æ r x 0
21 10/21/2003 Coverage - Scanned Locinv (Loops) 1 L 8 : jump L 2 I:r PC = 8 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S P:True D : [r PC = L 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S] E : [r PC = L 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S] r THIS : R, r THIS 0, r x : S 1 Rf: r x := r THIS r x : R, r x 0 2 L 2 : if r x =0 jump L 9 r x : R, r x 0 3 L 3 : load r t from r x + 4 r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 4 L 4 : r THIS := r x r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 5 L 5 : r RA := L 7 r RA = L 7, r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : R, r x 0 6 L 6 : ijump r t r RV : S 7 L 7 : r x := r RV r x : S 8 L 8 : jump L 2 9 L 9 : ijump r RA ( E covers D ) r x : S ) r x : R Æ r x 0
22 10/21/2003 Coverage - Scanned Locinv (Loops) 1 L 8 : jump L 2 I:r PC = 8 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S P:True D : [r PC = L 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S] E :[r PC = L 2 Æ (cinv r M ) Æ r x : S] (from before) Coverage is trivially satisfied here Do not know the incremental changes r THIS : R, r THIS 0, r x : S 1 Rf: r x := r THIS r x : S 2 L 2 : if r x =0 jump L 9 r x : S, r x 0 3 L 3 : load r t from r x + 4 r t : vm(r x,4), r x : S, r x 0 4 L 4 : r THIS := r x r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : S, r x 0 5 L 5 : r RA := L 7 r RA = L 7, r THIS = r x, r t : vm(r x,4), r x : S, r x 0 6 L 6 : ijump r t r RV : S 7 L 7 : r x := r RV r x : S 8 L 8 : jump L 2 9 L 9 : ijump r RA
23 10/21/2003 Outline Motivation Architecture Overview Simple Local Invariants –Decoder –Extension –Coverage Complete Local Invariants –Coverage Summary
24 10/21/2003 Indirect Jumps Indirect jumps are more difficult to handle but necessary –function return, exceptions Within the context of a particular locinv, need to state a code address is “safe to jump to” (under certain conditions) –e.g., it is “safe to jump to” the address contained in r RA.
25 10/21/2003 Local Invariants - Part 3 “r PC = 9, r SAVE = 1, r RA = 27, and it is safe to jump to r PC = r RA as long as r SAVE has the same value as now.” . (r PC ) = 9 Æ (r SAVE ) = 1 Æ safe ( ’. (r PC ’) = (r RA ) Æ (r SAVE ’) = (r SAVE ))
26 10/21/2003 Local Invariants - Part 3 Existentially quantified predicates parameterized by the machine state and structured into –first-order assumptions A –progress continuations C a list of locinvs that are “safe to continue to” Not a general higher-order predicate but one structured into first-order pieces.
27 10/21/2003 Local Invariants - Part 3 Fixing the machine state, a locinv I can be structured into a tuple as follows: I = 9 x I. h PC I, R I, A I, C I i PC I is an expression in terms of x I (usually, constant) R I is a mapping from register names to expressions A I is a first-order formula (assumptions) C I is a list of locinvs (progress continuations)
28 10/21/2003 Local Invariants - Part 3 “r PC = 9, r SAVE = 1, r RA = 27, and it is safe to jump to r PC = r RA as long as r SAVE has the same value as now.” I = . (r PC ) = 9 Æ (r SAVE ) = 1 Æ safe ( ’. (r PC ’) = (r RA ) Æ (r SAVE ’) = (r SAVE )) I = 9 x SAVE,x RA. h PC I = 9, R I = {SAVE x SAVE, RA x RA, …}, A I = (x SAVE = 1), C I = [ h PC C1 = x RA, R C1 = {SAVE x SAVE, …}, A C1 = True, C C1 = [ ] i ] i
29 10/21/2003 Coverage with Progress Continuations ( E covers D) - a single locinv means it is sufficient to show for some E 2 E [ C D
30 10/21/2003 Function Return 9 L 9 : ijump r RA I: 9 x RA. h PC I = 9, R I = {RA x RA, …}, A I = True, C I = [ h PC C1 = x RA,R C1 = {…},A C1 = True,C C1 = [ ] i ] i P:True D : [ 9 x RA. h PC I = x RA, R I = {RA x RA, …}, A I = True, C I = [ h PC C1 = x RA,R C1 = {…},A C1 = True,C C1 = [ ] i ] i ] E :[ ] In this case, D contains its own “covering” locinv C1.
31 10/21/2003 Summary Untrusted verifier extensions allows the code producer –flexibility to use various safety enforcement mechanisms –to simplify proof generation by incorporating specialized reasoning in executable form Building extensions is simplified by –structuring invariants into first-order pieces –requiring only first-order proofs (specialized method of proving covers)
32 10/21/2003 Issues Are locinvs too restrictive? Can proving coverage be simplified (and made more efficient)? –by specializing to common cases?