Media Is An Extension Of Our Central Nervous System By : Jason Graham, Amrith Weerasekera, Daniel Rust, Madeleine Richter, Aniston
Contents What is Media? Senses of the central nervous system that relate to certain types of media: Thought Hearing Sight Conclusion Bibliography & Sources Contacts
What is Media Messages that are distributed through the technologies, principally text in books, study guides and computer networks; sound in audio-tapes and broadcast: pictures in video-tapes and broadcast; text, sound and/or pictures in a teleconference
The following are some of the senses of the central nervous system that relate to certain types of media: Thought Hearing Sight
Thought Hearing Sight Speech Touch Taste
Most of the media stimulates our brain in some way. It can make you feel excited, sad, angry, sympathetic etc. Some of these forms of media are movies, posters, TV and music. E.g. a scary film makes you scared. Thought
Sight TV as a media has become an essential part of our daily lives. For example, watching your favourite shows as well as being informed through 24 hour news bulletins. Everyday you encounter different types of media on your way to school, play etc. Such as posters, billboards and hoardings as well as digital images. For example, browsing your favourite internet sites as well as ing your mates.
Most media relies on sound to enhance their message. This is especially true in the case of radio broadcasting. Through sound certain situations can be explained more effectively. Radios rely on different sounds to advertise a product as well as attracting people to their station. For example, if you were advertising a restaurant you would use sounds such as, a bottle of wine opening. A younger audience would prefer to hear a voice of youth making it easier to relate to the presenter. Hearing
This presentation has shown how particular types of media can stimulate all our senses. Media has been integrated into our daily lives. It has come a long way from its inception of one way communication to us being interactively involved. Such as being able pause live TV or casting a vote by texting using your mobile phone. The internet being the most significant form of media indulging all our senses. Media has become an extension of our central Nervous System or an extension of ourselves Conclusion
Bibliography & Sources: Search engines used: Images Images have been edited using Photoshop
Contacts If you want to contact us or need more information Please Contact Jason Graham Amrith Weerasekera Daniel Rust Madeleine Richter Aniston Useful Links