A high level language for Distributed Web Programming Anton Eliens Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Some history 1992: DLP -- A language for Distributed Logic Programming Wiley 2000: Principles of Object-Oriented Software Development Addison-Wesley, 2nd edn. 1995: Programming the Web -- A search for APIs, WWW5 1996: Logic Programming for the Web, WWW6
JAVA a second generation third generation programming language
basic architectural entities active objects multithreaded symbolic objects
local object services - incremental loading - code migration
distributed object services - naming and references - location transparency
cooperation and synchronization (conditional) accept statements rendez-vous
language characteristics - multithreaded active objects - method marshalling - (a)synchronous communication primitives - garbage collection - mobile code support - distributed object trader services DLP
applications agents in virtual environments WASP -- A taxonomy of Web agents RIF -- Navigation by Query Cf. Jinni/BinProlog (Tarau)
conclusions the Web needs (distributed) logic programming for knowledge-intensive applications DLP on top of Java is a suitable candidate … we strive for efficiency