LUTHERANISM Lutheran princes formed Schmalkaldic League War with Charles V, 1546 Peace of Augsburg, 1555: affirmed individual rulers’ right to chose religion Revolt against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (r ) THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE
CALVINISM Agreed with Luther on justification by faith Disagreed on transubstantiation Stressed predestination only “elect” were saved John Calvin ( )
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE CALVINISM State should be subject to religious law Set up model community in Geneva established strict theocracy Calvin and the Geneva Elders
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE CALVINISM Did not accept any ideas more radical than own Ideas spread through Europe Followers included Puritans (England), Presbyterians (Scotland), Huguenots (France) Miguel Servetus
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Political aspirations of Henry VIII defender of Catholicism but needed male heir Pope refuses divorce Henry VIII (r ) Catherine of Aragon Anne Boleyn
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Political aspirations of Henry VIII passed Act of Supremacy (1534) executed Sir Thomas More Sir Thomas More ( ) founded Anglican Church
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Religious Reformation Two movements laid foundations: Wycliffe rebellion of 14 th c. Spread of Northern Humanism Wycliffe distributes English Bible
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Religious Reformation Henry did little to change doctrine Protestantism rose under son Edward VI Edward VI (r )
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Religious Reformation Mary Tudor reinstated Catholicism persecuted thousands Mary Tudor (r )
THE POLITICS OF RELIGIOUS CHANGE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND Religious Reformation Elizabeth I restored Church of England (Anglican Church) Protestant in practice Elizabeth I (r ) doctrine ambiguous imposed on all subjects