A 21 st Century challenge
Urban sprawl is the uncontrolled growth of a city outwards into rural lands. It is caused by the migration of people into urban areas seeking employment, education, housing or other services. Farmlands, suburbs and recreational areas are being swallowed up by the growth of cities. Examples include: Hong Kong Paris Dublin
Ever been to Dundrum shopping centre? Fifteen years ago Dundrum was a small village on the outskirts of Dublin. The old shopping centre had Tesco, a solicitors, a bank and ten small shops……then the planners approved the building of a new shopping centre…..then the motorway was expanded, the LUAS stopped in Dundrum, 2000 houses and apartments were built….and now
Traffic congestion……….. Traffic congestion……….. older suburbs tend to have narrow roads and streets with limited public transport. As the city sprawls the volume of traffic passing through the streets increases dramatically.
As people move from rural areas to urban areas there is an unequal rate of growth in both these areas.
Those unable to afford to live in the main rural area tend to buy houses in these dormitory towns that are close to the main city. Land and housing is cheaper here. Small villages are suddenly swallowed up but tend to be ghost towns during the day as most of the residents have commuted to the main city for work. As a result these towns lack a sense of community or identity.
Services tend to close or move away from rural areas and relocate in the urban area due to the higher demand.