METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard Metadata Working Group Forum April 19, 2002
METS MOA II project Concerned with the metadata necessary for the management and exchange of digital objects An XML framework or container for metadata Applicable to OAIS model, and CUL digital library projects
A METS Object File Header Descriptive Administrative File Inventory Structure Map Behaviors
dmdSec [and/or] [or] [examples best viewed with IE5 browser or higher] example #1 example example #2
amdSec Technical IP Rights Original source Digital provenance exampleexample #3
A METS Object File Header Descriptive Administrative File Inventory Structure Map Behaviors
fileSec [and/or] exampleexample #4
structMap [external] [internal] exampleexample #5
structMap Heart of the METS object Only required element in METS schema Hierarchy can be represented within a single METS object (fptr) or through a series of related METS objects (mptr) fptr has child elements for sophisticated linking between structMap and fileSec
METS Dependence on extension schema –The need for digital standards development Permissiveness –The need for profiles Complexity –The need for tools
Advantages A common metadata format Flexible, modular, extensible, expressive Open
Uncertainties Where should certain data live in METS? –dmdSec vs. amdSec –amdSec vs. fileSec For text: “page” vs. textual unit conundrum –Relationship with TEI? Need for timestamps on xxSec and structMap elements