IAC science with the prototype SONG node at Tenerife Katrien Uytterhoeven
research group ‘Solar and Stellar Seismology and Extrasolar planet searches’ Interests in SONG: * the Sun-as-a-star * solar-like stars * red giants * SdB stars * δ Sct, γ Dor * β Cep, SPB * OB supergiants * binaries with pulsating components * follow-up of planet candidates Seismology planets (7 staff, 2 PostDocs, 3 PhD)
Massive main-sequence pulsators = γ Dor, δ Sct, SPB, β Cep Problem: mode-ID does not rely on regularity of frequency spectrum Seismic study requires identified (l,m) modes! δ Sct HD50844
Mode-ID via line-profile analysis! (l,m) * amplitude and phase distribution across line-profile * velocity moments GOAL: SONG RV time-series a)mode-identification! b) test and improve seismic models
Sun-as-a-star: SONG and Mark-I Mark-I * operational at Obs. Teide since 1976 * full-time monitoring since 1984 * RV of the Sun through potassium KI nm line * sampling rate: 2sec
GOAL: daytime solar spectra with SONG a) compare simultaneous (same site!) Mark-I and SONG observations (resample to same sampling rate) b) evaluate quality and sensitivity of SONG solar observations
Planet transits See talk by Brandon! Use SONG photometry to confirm transit candidates through color changes during transit
> 50 staff scientists > 65 post-docs > 35 PhD students Interests in SONG from IAC research groups other than the group on ‘Solar and Stellar Seismology and Extrasolar planet searches’
twilight sky spectrum HET McDonald observatory * 1 yr solar orbit ampl=0.507 km s -1 * 1 d Earth orbit (not well covered) + other deviations! i. Wavelength variations in Solar spectral lines ΔT = 1750 days
Origin of deviations? * changes in granulation properties along solar cycle * presence of planets e.g. Jupiter: 13 m s -1 over 12yr GOAL: twilight sky spectra with SONG and I2 cell a) investigate wavelength stability of the solar spectrum b) demonstrate that deviations due to a Jupiter-size planet can unambigously be found c) study stellar activity
* Compact Binaries (P orb ~hrs), primary is compact object (neutron star, black hole). * Roche-lobe overflow, matter accreted via accretion disk. * Inner accretion disk gives rise to X-rays. * optical emission due to Reprocessing of X- rays in outer accretion disk * Different optical wavelengths probe different parts of the outer accretion disk ii. Low mass X-ray binaries Rémon Cornelisse
Large night to night changes in lightcurve morphology Goal: ~1 week continuous multi-colour photometric monitoring with the SONG network a) understand the origin of the lightcurve changes b) understand physics of the accretion disk Origin? changes in accretion disk due to precession or the presence of a warp?
Nova = thermonuclear explosions on surface of white dwarf accreting mass in a close binary questions: * model that fits at all wavelengths ? T Pyx, lightcurve Mag MJD * brightening (< V=10mag few weeks) * FeII or He/N line absorption * origin of absorption lines? * mysterious absorption systems (THEA) iii. Classical Novae at maximum light Alessandro Ederoclite
T Pyx, FIES spectra Time GOAL: few SONG spectra per day (without I2 cell) during max light of novae follow-up optical thick and thin phase a) describe chemistry b) describe dynamics of explosion
Well-detached EBs are best calibrators for models of stellar structure and evolution accurate orbital parameters, M *, R * ! BUT! spectral chemical analysis is lacking! GOAL: SONG spectra (without I2 cell) of well-known, bright, well-detached EBs at max separation a)derive metallicity and chemical abundances of binary components b)calibrate models stellar structure & evolution iv. Chemical analysis of EBs Carlos Allende Prieto
v. Multiple populations in globular clusters Antonino Milone Many globular clusters show multiple sequences! GOAL: SONG spectra of bright stars in GCs (filling program) derive chemical and dynamical properties and try to solve: a)abundance anomalies b) multiple sequences c)horizontal branch morphology CMD of NGC 2808 with isochrones
vi. macroturbulent broadening in OB supergiants Sergio Simón Díaz pilot study! signature of collective effect of pulsations?! OB SGs show extra line broadening: ‘macrotubulence’ origin?
GOAL: time-series of SONG spectra of bright OB supergiants a)understand ‘macroturbulence’ b) improve atmosphere models of OB SGs c)first seismic studies of OB SGs! promising!
IAC science many interesting filling programs and additional SONG science programs for SONG-OT!