[CONFERENC E NAME or CONSULTING VENUE] [Date(s)] [Location or Venue] How to Make Students Care About Your SG: Create “Signature Programs” W.H. “Butch” Oxendine, Jr. ASGA Executive Director © 2007
Create Signature Programs FACT: Most students just don’t care about their SGs FACT: Many students don’t even know they have an SG! Why?
Create Signature Programs ANSWER: The average students at your school do not believe your Student Government is relevant to them personally.
Create Signature Programs America’s Great SGs advocate student concerns to your college officials. But that’s not “sexy”
Create Signature Programs To be RELEVANT to your fellow students, your SG MUST DO something that MATTERS
Create Signature Programs Your SG must produce a program or service that NO ONE ELSE can or will provide for your students
Create Signature Programs Your goal should be to become known by every student for producing a useful program or service
Create Signature Programs Your SG must help SAVE or MAKE your students money
Create Signature Programs Sample Signature Programs ASGA stores data on more than 700 “Signature Programs” currently being offered by SGs at colleges and universities nationwide Video Rental Service University of Kentucky Campus Food Pantry Florida Hospital College Book Exchange Miami Dade College Wolfson Discount Card Cuyamaca College Escort Service Arizona State University Off-Campus Housing Dir. SUNY Binghamton Breakfast in Bed Lycoming College, PA Health Insurance California State Univ. Fullerton Tax Service University of Akron Legal Aid Clemson University Laundry-service University of San Francisco Airport Shuttle Villanova University Taxi Service North Dakota State University
Create Signature Programs Sample Signature Programs ASGA stores data on more than 700 “Signature Programs” currently being offered by SGs at colleges and universities nationwide 24-Hour Study Lounge Florida Southern College Bus Service George Mason University Discounted Tickets Mt. San Antonio College, Ca. Movie Passes Hillsborough C.C./Plant City Copy Machine Santa Monica College City-at-Large Guide Loyola College in Maryland Family Weekend Northern Arizona University Computer La Northern Arizona University Recycling Service University of Alaska Fairbanks SGA Movie Channel University of Hartford Telephone Wake-Up Dartmouth College Bicycle Check-Out University of Oklahoma Safe Ride Mercyhurst College SGA Computer Lab Edinboro University of Pa. Off-Campus Survival Guide University of Wyoming SGA Scholarships College of Staten Island
Create Signature Programs Let’s Brainstorm! What possible signature programs could you bring to your campus? SG Underwear SG Awards Banquet Discount Gasoline Card ???????????? SG Health Pack SG Yard Sale SG Rest Area ??
Create Signature Programs To be RELEVANT to your fellow students, your SG MUST DO something that MATTERS: Signature Programs Make Students Care About Your SG
Create Signature Programs How to Contact Butch: Call me toll-free at ASK ASGACall me toll-free at ASK ASGA ( )( ) me at me at I promise to answer all callsI promise to answer all calls and s!