BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST MODEL BU. The Application of the Brightness Contrast Model to Optical Illusions Molly Ten Broek & Diane Kasparie.


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Presentation transcript:


The Application of the Brightness Contrast Model to Optical Illusions Molly Ten Broek & Diane Kasparie

Cardboard roll Foil Wax paper Rubber band. Pinhole Day Two Review light behavior Reflectance, Luminance, Illuminance Card Game Simulation and Worksheet Day One View optical illusions Light behavior Pinhole camera Day Four Quiz/Assessment Discuss Concept Review Worksheet Introduce optical illusion design challenge Day Three Review reflectance, luminance, illuminance Vision vs. Perception Concept Review Worksheet Day Five Share and describe optical illusion designs Overview

Includes pinhole camera The visible spectrum Less anatomy, more mathematics Includes advanced modeling Physics Modifications

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