S&P’s ExecuComp Training 國立政治大學商學圖書館 李霜林 漢珍數位圖書公司 April, 2004
Today’s Agenda Brief Intro to Market Insight What within the ExecuComp Download the ExecuComp Database Build a Query in MS Access Data Item Definition
Brief Intro to Market Insight Company and fundamental data on approximately 10,000 active U.S. companies and 14,000 inactive companies Authoritative Company Info Intelligent Industry Info Objective Country Info Valuable Commentary
What Within ExecuComp Executive Compensation Data on the Top Officers of over 2,500 Companies Since 1992 Directors Compensation Executive Current Executive History (Last 3 years) Executive Options Executive Peers Executive Total
Download the ExecuComp Database Once logged in, select company tab, and enter the ticker for any company, then click Go Click Executive Compensation folder Select “Exec. Access Db” Save it either in.mdb or.zip file to the proper position
Build a Query in MS Access Open the saved Executive Compensation db in MS Access Once the file is open, 8 different tables displayed in a similar dialog box
Build a Query in MS Access Cont. 各資料表簡要內容 : COLEV, COMPTABL, COPEROL, PERSON -- These tables include the majority of the executive compensation info -- The other four tables: CODIRFIN, COPERFTB, LTAWDTAB and STGRTTAB include Director info, company financial info and Stock Option Grant Info
Build a Query in MS Access Cont. 點選「查詢」鍵 點選「使用設計檢視建立新查詢」,將 出現如下視窗
Build a Query in MS Access Cont. 選取適當的資料表後,請關閉「顯示資 料表」對話方塊 在每個選取的資料表中,按兩下點選需 要的欄位 按需要定義篩選標準
Build a Query in MS Access Cont. 欄位及篩選標準設定完成後,請按下 “ ! ” , 執行查詢。 22 records in total
Data Item Definition Definitions Tab in Help Page
Questions? 請洽漢珍數位圖書公司 市場部 李霜林 Tel: Ext