Presentations How to be successful. Organization Your presentation should flow smoothly and should not jump around Gather all you info before creating.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentations How to be successful

Organization Your presentation should flow smoothly and should not jump around Gather all you info before creating the presentation then create an order Have flash card of bullets to keep you on track Your presentation should flow smoothly and should not jump around Gather all you info before creating the presentation then create an order Have flash card of bullets to keep you on track

Content of Presentation You presentation should contain solid facts and not a lot of useless info. Be strait to the point don’t beet around the bush Make sour you are not repeating yourself if it is not necessary. You presentation should contain solid facts and not a lot of useless info. Be strait to the point don’t beet around the bush Make sour you are not repeating yourself if it is not necessary.

Visual Aides Make sour you visual aides are pleasing to the eye but not distracting To many visual aides can overwhelm your audience and case them to loose concentrations Make sour your visual aids blind with the town of the presentation Make sour you visual aides are pleasing to the eye but not distracting To many visual aides can overwhelm your audience and case them to loose concentrations Make sour your visual aids blind with the town of the presentation