Can VoIP (网络电话) Providers Block Certain Calls? hbeat/archives/2009/10/can_voip_provid.html hbeat/archives/2009/10/can_voip_provid.html Last Updated: October 9, 2009 By: 07 商务英语 A 班 29 号 林童默
Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission( 联邦通信委员会) sent a letter to Google, asking the search giant to explain how its Google Voice service works, how many people are using it, and how much money it makes — information Google has not disclosed (公开) publicly. The inquiry was launched a couple of weeks after AT&T (美国电信电报公司) sent a letter to the FCC, alleging that Google may be “ systematically blocking telephone calls …. in certain rural communities. ” Yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission( 联邦通信委员会) sent a letter to Google, asking the search giant to explain how its Google Voice service works, how many people are using it, and how much money it makes — information Google has not disclosed (公开) publicly. The inquiry was launched a couple of weeks after AT&T (美国电信电报公司) sent a letter to the FCC, alleging that Google may be “ systematically blocking telephone calls …. in certain rural communities. ”
The inquiry raises a big question: Do providers of over-the-Web calling services have to complete all calls? As of today, such companies — called, in industry lingo (行话), VoIP providers — aren ’ t considered to be telcos (电信运营商), though they often act as such. Some of them, such as Skype, don ’ t charge for many services. And these Web-calling outfits (设备) aren ’ t required to complete all calls. The inquiry raises a big question: Do providers of over-the-Web calling services have to complete all calls? As of today, such companies — called, in industry lingo (行话), VoIP providers — aren ’ t considered to be telcos (电信运营商), though they often act as such. Some of them, such as Skype, don ’ t charge for many services. And these Web-calling outfits (设备) aren ’ t required to complete all calls.
Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge (公共利益团体), writes that the FCC “ inquiry should be more far- reaching (深远的) than this relatively isolated case. We learned recently that another VoIP provider,, reserved (具有;保持) the right to block calls to rural areas. ” Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge (公共利益团体), writes that the FCC “ inquiry should be more far- reaching (深远的) than this relatively isolated case. We learned recently that another VoIP provider,, reserved (具有;保持) the right to block calls to rural areas. ”
There ’ s another aspect to this inquiry, of course: AT&T and its supporters are firing back (回击) at Google after being grilled (盘问) by the FCC over delays in approving Google Voice mobile app (应用程 序). On Oct. 6, AT&T announced that it will abolish its old practices and allow Web-calling applications onto its wireless network. It ’ s unclear whether, under AT&T ’ s definition, Google Voice qualifies as such an app. There ’ s another aspect to this inquiry, of course: AT&T and its supporters are firing back (回击) at Google after being grilled (盘问) by the FCC over delays in approving Google Voice mobile app (应用程 序). On Oct. 6, AT&T announced that it will abolish its old practices and allow Web-calling applications onto its wireless network. It ’ s unclear whether, under AT&T ’ s definition, Google Voice qualifies as such an app.
Words & Expressions Disclose: 公开 ; 透露 : Disclose: 公开 ; 透露 : Outfit: 全套装备 ; 全套工具 ; 全部用品 : Outfit: 全套装备 ; 全套工具 ; 全部用品 : Far-reaching: 影响深远的 Far-reaching: 影响深远的 Reserve: Reserve: a. 保留或储备某物 a. 保留或储备某物 b. 具有或保持(某种权利) ; b. 具有或保持(某种权利) ; Fire back: 回击 Fire back: 回击 Grill Grill a. 烧烤, 炙烤(食物) a. 烧烤, 炙烤(食物) b. 盘问(某人) : b. 盘问(某人) : App: 应用 ( 程序 ), 操作, 使用 ( 包括电脑程序 ); App: 应用 ( 程序 ), 操作, 使用 ( 包括电脑程序 ); Industry lingo :行话 Industry lingo :行话
Words & Expressions Federal Communications Commission (FCC 联邦通信委员会 ) Federal Communications Commission (FCC 联邦通信委员会 ) AT&T (美国电信电报公司) AT&T (美国电信电报公司) Telcos (电信运营商) Telcos (电信运营商) Public Knowledge (公共利益团体) Public Knowledge (公共利益团体)
Background Knowledge VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) 是一种以 IP 电话为主,并推 出相应的增值业务的技术。 VoIP 最大的优势是能广泛地采用 Internet 和全球 IP 互连的环境,提供比传统业务更多、更好的服务。 VoIP 相对比较便宜。为什么? VoIP 电话不过是互联网上的一种应用。 网络电话不受管制。因此,从本质上说, VoIP 电话与电子邮件,即时 讯息或者网页没有什么不同,它们均能在经过了互联网连接的机器间 进行传输。 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) 是一种以 IP 电话为主,并推 出相应的增值业务的技术。 VoIP 最大的优势是能广泛地采用 Internet 和全球 IP 互连的环境,提供比传统业务更多、更好的服务。 VoIP 相对比较便宜。为什么? VoIP 电话不过是互联网上的一种应用。 网络电话不受管制。因此,从本质上说, VoIP 电话与电子邮件,即时 讯息或者网页没有什么不同,它们均能在经过了互联网连接的机器间 进行传输。 谷歌之音( Google Voice )是由 Google 推出的一种电话服务,能够 将个人所用的众多电话号码集中成为一个号码,同时提供许多加值服 务,并且从 2009 年 6 月开始邀请一些志愿者参与实验。谷歌之音的出 现,造成一些传统电信业者的紧张,不过也有学者认为,并不会造成 太大的冲击。 Google Voice 允许任何人使用一个电话号码,进行接 电话、打电话、转接电话等服务,方便那些在不同地方只有两至三条 电话线路的人们,快速有效的使用电话。 Google Voice 使用网络界 面,但是是利用普通的电话线路,所以该服务和 Skype 等其他服务系 统通过互联网传输声音数据的方法有所不同。 Google Voice 的通信 费用比 Skype 还便宜三分之一,对运营商太有杀伤力。 谷歌之音( Google Voice )是由 Google 推出的一种电话服务,能够 将个人所用的众多电话号码集中成为一个号码,同时提供许多加值服 务,并且从 2009 年 6 月开始邀请一些志愿者参与实验。谷歌之音的出 现,造成一些传统电信业者的紧张,不过也有学者认为,并不会造成 太大的冲击。 Google Voice 允许任何人使用一个电话号码,进行接 电话、打电话、转接电话等服务,方便那些在不同地方只有两至三条 电话线路的人们,快速有效的使用电话。 Google Voice 使用网络界 面,但是是利用普通的电话线路,所以该服务和 Skype 等其他服务系 统通过互联网传输声音数据的方法有所不同。 Google Voice 的通信 费用比 Skype 还便宜三分之一,对运营商太有杀伤力。