The 8 th GAME International Science Panel Meeting GAME-II Cloud and Precipitation Process Working Group Yasushi Fujiyoshi (ILTS, Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
Cloud and Precipitation Process Working Group / GAME-II Related Workshop s 24 Mar. 2003: 1 st Meeting on Moist Convection at Nagoya Univ., JAPAN Aug. 2003: HUBEX meeting for publishing final report at Hokkaido Univ., JAPAN Oct. 2003: The Second China-Japan Workshop on Heavy Rainfall Experiment and study (at Wuhan, China) ? Feb. 2004: 2nd Meeting on Moist Convection at Nagoya University ?) ? 2004: Planning: International meeting on cloud and precipitation
Final Report of GAME/HUBEX (March, 2004) I Outline of HUBEX II Research background of HUBEX III Field report of heavy rainfall and flood during HUBEX IV Land surface processes V Source and transport of water vapor to Mei-yu front VI Mechanism of heavy rainfall VII Regional/Basin scale water/energy budget VIII River runoff and hydrological model IX Yangtze river flood in 1998 X 4DDA (Regional scale) data set of GAME/HUBEX XI Toward forecasting of heavy rainfall and flood
GAME/HUBEX 1998 &1999 When the area with latent instability is wide enough, a meso-α low is able to develop from convective systems. Latent Heat Organization and Scale-up
Numerical simulation
The south westerly moist air in the low altitude plays an important role for the development of precipitation systems. When the Mei-yu front moves toward the north of Huaihe River
Analyzed new data set : CHERES(973) (China) Yangtze-river Heavy rainfall ( ) Shanghai
The convective system: developed rapidly within the observational network passed within the dual-Doppler analysis region Tbb & Radar Reflectivity
Doppler Radar Range Moist easterly in the low altitude from the ocean plays an important role for the formation of convergence and convective cloud systems.
Land surface Cloud & Precipitation Expected New data sets * Boundary layer: Prof. Nakamura’s project (in China), Biwa-lake project Wind profiler, 3D-Doppler lidar, Aerosonde, Doppler Sodar, Microwave profiler, Aircraft observation, AWS, Cloud radar * KEOP (Korea) * MRI (Japan): Northern Kyusyu, water vapor transport ( ) Moist Boundary Layer Cloud+aerosol Precipitation New Target
Related Project: CPEA (Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere)- FORSGC (Indonesia)