Shrimp Surveillance & Certification Program (SSCP) Allen C. Riggs DVM, MS Veterinary Medical Officer Aquaculture Development Program – Disease Prevention (ADP-DP) Hawaii Dept of Agriculture (HDOA)
SSCP Voluntary partnership between Hawaii marine shrimp broodstock and seedstock producers with the Hawaii Department of Agriculture 3 rd party oversight with chain of custody sample collection and handling to USDA- APHIS certified crustacean diagnostic lab
SSCP Protocol Overview The primary goal is for marine broodstock and seedstock producers to acquire Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) status for their facility The Program is based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing protocols following OIE guidelines for the 7 currently listed OIE marine shrimp pathogens 24 months continuous negative testing is required for SPF status
Origin of SSCP Initial surveillance protocols were started in the late 1990’s for each operations internal biosecurity This was not the standardized 3 rd party HDOA program of today but was a good starting point for several reasons Most important is this was a voluntary program that the industry considered important and the cost/time involved was worth the investment This mindset facilitated the more structured current SSCP program
International Import Regulations Only recently have most international countries required health certification and specific pathogen testing documentation for live marine shrimp broodstock and seed stock to enter their countries No uniformity but the current OIE crustacean disease list is the best template for a basic SSCP program
Marine shrimp life/farming cycle Adult female day 0 stenohaline Fertilized egg day 0-5 Nauplius larvae day 1-2 Zoea larvae day 2-7 Mysis larvae day 7-10 PL (post-larvae) day euryhaline Juvenile day Subadult day *Lightner – Shrimp Disease and Diagnosis
Hawaii Marine Broodstock Shrimp 12 marine broodstock shrimp producers currently in operation on four islands in Hawaii ( Oahu, Molokai, Kauai and Big Island ) Most important component of shrimp farming in Hawaii – 3+ Million dollar annual farmgate value Typical marine broodstock shrimp is months old with a reproductive life span of 3 to 6 months maximum For intra-island, interstate( to mainland US), or international export must have health certification and specific pathogen negative status documentation
Hawaii Seedstock Shrimp Again these 12 operations can also supply seedstock to other broodstock producers or to off-site commodity food shrimp producers Typically PL after day 8 (osmoregulate) to day 25 are sold for growout stocking For intra-island transfer to second party grow- out operations, interstate( to mainland US), and international exports health certification and specific pathogen negative testing documentation is also required
SSCP Sampling Protocols New Facility Export Facility SPF Facility Tissues sampled: hemolymph, pleopods, and fecal strands for survival methods with broodstock Whole or partial PL for lethal methods with smaller animals Only one shrimp farm/site is visited per 24 hours to allow for adequate disinfection of staff/equipment
SSCP- SPF shrimp definition The SSCP definition for SPF shrimp refers to a stock that is subject to a regular PCR surveillance program for the 7 current OIE listed marine shrimp pathogens with a minimum of 24 months continuous testing USDA-APHIS certified lab to diagnose crustacean diseases must be used OIE guidelines for surveillance protocols to be followed No farm submitted surveillance samples …only ADP/HDOA 3 rd party chain of custody sample collection used in the SSCP No requirements for biosecurity or husbandry type in this definition
New Facility Site specific Test schedule will be months 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months A total number of 60 shrimp will be tested for all 7 listed diseases – 95% confidence/ 5% prevalence for populations up to and over 100,000 shrimp ( Section 3.2 Diagnosis in subclinical crustacean carriers: Manual of Dx Tests for AA ) Sampling regime includes all life stages on site Shrimp used to stock this facility must originate from a SPF facility Virus Group VialSystemSpecies Life Stage Tissue BP/MBVA1-12 TSV/YHV/IMNVB1-12 IHHNV/WSSVC1-12
Export Status Facility Site specific Successful completion of three negative sample sets in the New farm program – months 1, 3, and 6 Facility now allowed to ship/export live shrimp with health documents SPF language not used to describe stocks Testing will continue at months 12, 18, and 24 with the 60 shrimp/sample set to acquire SPF certification Virus Group VialSystemSpecies Life Stage Tissue BP/MBVA1-12 TSV/YHV/IMNVB1-12 IHHNV/WSSVC1-12
Specific Pathogen-Free Facility Site specific Shrimp used to stock this facility site must originate from a SPF facility Testing schedule will continue every 6 months Total number of shrimp tested can be reduced to 30 animals (Section 3.3 Testing for verification or maintenance of freedom from specific diseases: Manual of Dx Tests for AA – 2006) Sampling regime includes all life stages on site SPF language added to health certification reports Virus Group VialSystemSpecies Life Stage Tissue BP/MBVA1-6 TSV/YHV & IMNV B1-6 IHHNV/WSSVC1-6
Industry/State Partnership: Industry Costs True partners share both costs and benefits in a business relationship The shrimp producer in the SSCP is responsible for all the PCR testing fees: SPF operations testing 30 shrimp for each of the 7 currently listed OIE diseases is $972.00/sample set every 6 months or $ /year ( current University of Arizona – Aquatic Pathology Laboratory prices) SPF operations testing 30 shrimp for each of the 7 currently listed OIE diseases is $972.00/sample set every 6 months or $ /year ( current University of Arizona – Aquatic Pathology Laboratory prices)
Industry/State Partnership: Industry Costs For New Farms or Export Status Farms working toward SPF Certification, the 60 animal sample set for each of the 7 currently listed OIE diseases must be followed The cost per sample set is $ Year 1 with 4 sample sets (months 1, 3, 6, and 12) is $ Year 2 with 2 sample sets ( months 18 and 24) is $
Industry/State Partnership: State Costs ADP-DP is responsible for all costs involved in ADP-DP staff traveling to each SSCP farm site for chain of custody documentation, both on Oahu and the outer islands: airfare, rental car or state vehicle costs ADP-DP staff time is covered by HDOA budget ADP-DP provides all necessary vials, fixatives and collection instruments and covers shipping costs to UAZ- APL The ADP-DP/HDOA component of the SSCP is a 100% Hawaii State funded program
Future challenges/questions When to add emerging diseases to SSCP NHP – Necrotizing hepatopancreatitis NHP – Necrotizing hepatopancreatitis This disease is under study by OIE and likely to be listed in the future This disease is under study by OIE and likely to be listed in the future When to remove delisted diseases from the SSCP (BP and MBV). Many countries still require surveillance data on these two diseases for live shrimp imports When to remove delisted diseases from the SSCP (BP and MBV). Many countries still require surveillance data on these two diseases for live shrimp imports