Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Human and chimpanzee genomes The human and chimpanzee genomes—with their 5-million-year history of separate evolution—are still nearly identical in overall organization. Not only do humans and chimpanzees appear to have essentially the same set of 30,000 genes, but these genes are arranged in nearly the same way along the chromosomes of the two species (see Figure 4-57). The only substantial exception is that human chromosome 2 arose by a fusion of two chromosomes that are separate in the chimpanzee, the gorilla, and the orangutan. The human and chimpanzee genomes—with their 5-million-year history of separate evolution—are still nearly identical in overall organization. Not only do humans and chimpanzees appear to have essentially the same set of 30,000 genes, but these genes are arranged in nearly the same way along the chromosomes of the two species (see Figure 4-57). The only substantial exception is that human chromosome 2 arose by a fusion of two chromosomes that are separate in the chimpanzee, the gorilla, and the orangutan. Comparison of the Giemsa pattern of the largest human chromosome (chromosome 1) with that of chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. Comparisons among the staining patterns of all the chromosomes indicate that human chromosomes are more closely related to those of chimpanzee than to those of gorilla and that they are more distantly related to those of orangutan.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Comparative genome analysis As the number of sequenced genomes increases, comparative genome analysis is becoming an increasingly important method for identifying their functionally important sites. For example, conservation of open- reading frames between distantly related organisms provides much stronger evidence that these sequences are actually the exons of expressed genes than does a computational analysis of any one genome. In the future, detailed biological annotation of the sequences of complex genomes—such as those of the human and the mouse— will depend heavily on the identification of sequence features that are conserved across multiple, distantly related mammalian genomes. As the number of sequenced genomes increases, comparative genome analysis is becoming an increasingly important method for identifying their functionally important sites. For example, conservation of open- reading frames between distantly related organisms provides much stronger evidence that these sequences are actually the exons of expressed genes than does a computational analysis of any one genome. In the future, detailed biological annotation of the sequences of complex genomes—such as those of the human and the mouse— will depend heavily on the identification of sequence features that are conserved across multiple, distantly related mammalian genomes.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Comparison of humans and mice genomes In contrast to the situation for humans and chimpanzees, local gene order and overall chromosome organization have diverged greatly between humans and mice. In contrast to the situation for humans and chimpanzees, local gene order and overall chromosome organization have diverged greatly between humans and mice. According to rough estimates, a total of about 180 break-and-rejoin events have occurred in the human and mouse lineages since these two species last shared a common ancestor. In the process, although the number of chromosomes is similar in the two species (23 per haploid genome in the human versus 20 in the mouse), their overall structures differ greatly. According to rough estimates, a total of about 180 break-and-rejoin events have occurred in the human and mouse lineages since these two species last shared a common ancestor. In the process, although the number of chromosomes is similar in the two species (23 per haploid genome in the human versus 20 in the mouse), their overall structures differ greatly. For example, while the centromeres occupy relatively central positions on most human chromosomes, they lie next to an end of each chromosome in the mouse. Nonetheless, even after the extensive genomic shuffling, there are many large blocks of DNA in which the gene order is the same in the human and the mouse. These regions of conserved gene order in chromosomes are referred to as synteny blocks.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Syntenies between human and mice Conserved synteny between the human and mouse genomes. Regions from different mouse chromosomes (indicated by the colors of each mouse in B) show conserved synteny (gene order) with the indicated regions of the human genome (A). Conserved synteny between the human and mouse genomes. Regions from different mouse chromosomes (indicated by the colors of each mouse in B) show conserved synteny (gene order) with the indicated regions of the human genome (A). For example the genes present in the upper portion of human chromosome 1 (orange) are present in the same order in a portion of mouse chromosome 4. Mouse centromeres are located at the ends of chromosomes.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Nucleotide sequence data and phylogenetic trees A phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between the human and the great apes based on nucleotide sequence data. As indicated, the sequences of the genomes of all four species are estimated to differ from the sequence of the genome of their last common ancestor by a little over 1.5%. A phylogenetic tree showing the relationship between the human and the great apes based on nucleotide sequence data. As indicated, the sequences of the genomes of all four species are estimated to differ from the sequence of the genome of their last common ancestor by a little over 1.5%. Because changes occur independently on both diverging lineages, pairwise comparisons reveal twice the sequence divergence from the last common ancestor. For example, human- orangutan comparisons typically show sequence divergences of a little over 3%, while human- chimpanzee comparisons show divergences of approximately 1.2%.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Intra-species variation The great majority of mutations that are not harmful are not beneficial either. These selectively neutral mutations can also spread and become fixed in a population, and they make a large contribution to the evolutionary change in genomes. Their spread is not as rapid as the spread of the rare strongly advantageous mutations. The great majority of mutations that are not harmful are not beneficial either. These selectively neutral mutations can also spread and become fixed in a population, and they make a large contribution to the evolutionary change in genomes. Their spread is not as rapid as the spread of the rare strongly advantageous mutations. The idealized model that has proven most useful for analyzing human genetic variation assumes a constant population size, and random mating, as well as selective neutrality for the mutations. While neither of these assumptions is a good description of human population history, they nonetheless provide a useful starting point for analyzing intra-species variation. The idealized model that has proven most useful for analyzing human genetic variation assumes a constant population size, and random mating, as well as selective neutrality for the mutations. While neither of these assumptions is a good description of human population history, they nonetheless provide a useful starting point for analyzing intra-species variation.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Human genetic variation When a new neutral mutation occurs in a constant population of size N that is undergoing random mating, the probability that it will ultimately become fixed is approximately 1/(2N). When a new neutral mutation occurs in a constant population of size N that is undergoing random mating, the probability that it will ultimately become fixed is approximately 1/(2N). A detailed analysis of data on human genetic variation suggests an ancestral population size of approximately 10,000 during the period when the current pattern of genetic variation was largely established. Under these conditions, the probability that a new, selectively neutral mutation would become fixed was small (5 × 10 –5 ), while the average time to fixation was on the order of 800,000 years. A detailed analysis of data on human genetic variation suggests an ancestral population size of approximately 10,000 during the period when the current pattern of genetic variation was largely established. Under these conditions, the probability that a new, selectively neutral mutation would become fixed was small (5 × 10 –5 ), while the average time to fixation was on the order of 800,000 years. Thus, while we know that the human population has grown enormously since the development of agriculture approximately 15,000 years ago, most human genetic variation arose and became established in the human population much earlier than this, when the human population was still small. Thus, while we know that the human population has grown enormously since the development of agriculture approximately 15,000 years ago, most human genetic variation arose and became established in the human population much earlier than this, when the human population was still small.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini Variation at the nucleotide level is very large Even though most of the variation among modern humans originates from variation present in a comparatively tiny group of ancestors, the number of variations encountered is very large. Most of the variations take the form of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These are simply points in the genome sequence where one large fraction of the human population has one nucleotide, while another large fraction has another. Even though most of the variation among modern humans originates from variation present in a comparatively tiny group of ancestors, the number of variations encountered is very large. Most of the variations take the form of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). These are simply points in the genome sequence where one large fraction of the human population has one nucleotide, while another large fraction has another. Two human genomes sampled from the modern world population at random will differ at approximately 2.5 × 10 6 sites (1 per 1300 nucleotide pairs). Mapped sites in the human genome that are polymorphic—meaning that there is a reasonable probability that the genomes of two individuals will differ at that site—are extremely useful for genetic analyses, in which one attempts to associate specific traits (phenotypes) with specific DNA sequences for medical or scientific purposes. Two human genomes sampled from the modern world population at random will differ at approximately 2.5 × 10 6 sites (1 per 1300 nucleotide pairs). Mapped sites in the human genome that are polymorphic—meaning that there is a reasonable probability that the genomes of two individuals will differ at that site—are extremely useful for genetic analyses, in which one attempts to associate specific traits (phenotypes) with specific DNA sequences for medical or scientific purposes.
Genetica per Scienze Naturali a.a prof S. Presciuttini The challenge of human genetics While most of the SNPs and other common variations in the human genome sequence are thought to have no effect on phenotype, a subset of them must be responsible for nearly all of the heritable aspects of human individuality. A major challenge in human genetics is to learn to recognize those relatively few variations that are functionally important — against the large background of neutral variation that distinguishes the genomes of any two human beings. While most of the SNPs and other common variations in the human genome sequence are thought to have no effect on phenotype, a subset of them must be responsible for nearly all of the heritable aspects of human individuality. A major challenge in human genetics is to learn to recognize those relatively few variations that are functionally important — against the large background of neutral variation that distinguishes the genomes of any two human beings.