Project VAB - VAluing experience Beyond university First VAB Workshop, Patras, Greece, 21 Dec 2010 Dr. Vassilis Gerogiannis Scientific Director of the.


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Presentation transcript:

Project VAB - VAluing experience Beyond university First VAB Workshop, Patras, Greece, 21 Dec 2010 Dr. Vassilis Gerogiannis Scientific Director of the Institute for Lifelong Education of the Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Larissa, Greece Assistant Professor, Project Management Department, TEI of Larissa, Greece The Institutes for Lifelong Education (ILE) & their Role in Non Formal Learning Identifying & Assessing Project Management Competencies

The Institute for Lifelong Education (ILE) at the Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Larissa in Greece Technological Education Institute of Larissa

The Institute for Lifelong Education at the Technological Education Institute of Larissa Recently founded (June, 2009) in TEI by the Greek Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs ILE operates as an autonomous, non-profit unit of TEI with strong cooperation with the TEI’s departments It is directed by a Scientific Council consisted by the Vice-President of TEI (ILE President), the Scientific Director and the Heads of TEI’s Departments

The Institute’s Mission The Institute’s basic mission is to foster the development of a culture of lifelong learning and education in Central Greece developed in accordance with the strategy and principles of lifelong learning

The Institute’s Exclusive Targets The Institute promotes continuous education and learning through the organisation of career-enriching lifelong education programmes (seminars) devoted to the graduates of the TEI of Larissa and/or other Universities/Technological Institutes

Supported Types of Lifelong Education Programmes: short-term seminars (75 hours - 4 months max.) leading to a training certification medium-term seminars (250 hours – 12 months max.) leading to a life long education certification

A range of Courses can be offered to Graduates in various (interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary) areas: Project Management Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Information and Communication Technologies Civil / Infrastructure Engineering Business Administration Accounting Tourism Management Medical Care Agricultural Technologies Furniture Technologies Food Technology / Nutrition and Dietetics etc,

TEI has a high profile expertise in continuous education …. Organisation of Post-Graduate Programmes (MSc in Management, MBA, MSc in Computer Science, MSc in Networking, MSc in Project Management etc.) Strong collaboration with Greek and European Universities/Institutes Participation in several national and EU funded R&D projects Participation in ERASMUS / SOCRATES / LEONARDO / TEMPUS Programs

We have strong interests in …. Establishing collaborative relationships with academic/industrial partners at regional, national and European level Applying quality assurance and continuous improvement of lifelong educational activities with focus to adults educational needs Utilizing effective procedures for supporting and evaluating non-formal and informal learning to effectively implement the ‘lifelong learning” of our graduates We are particularly interested in critical project management skills and how they can be evaluated

Project Management Competencies Department of Project Management Technological Education Institute of Larissa

4 Pillars of Management Skills…

The Reality …

 Asterix : The Guide Analytical, Objective-oriented, discernment, judgment, cognitive ability  Obelix : The Performer Know-how, Energy, Expertise  Abraracourcix : The Manager Structuring, Planning, Procedures, Coordination  Panoramix : The Human Leader Charisma, Group Leader Some Successful Examples …

Project Management International Networks Several international network associations promote project management and have been instrumental in the development of the PM profession. Mainly: – PMI (USA) – IPMA (Europe) – APM & Office of Government and Commerce (UK) – ISO (International) Areas of involvement: methodology, knowledge areas, research,….conferences, journals …. competencies, certification

Definition of Competence Definition of competence : ISO IEC : The demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and attributes ICB / IPMA Competence Baseline : Competence is the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and/or skills, and, where relevant, demonstrated personal attributes. PMCDF / PMI : When applied to project management, competence is the demonstrated ability to perform activities within a project environment that lead to expected outcomes based on defined and accepted standards

Project Management Competencies From Latin “Competentia” is authorized to judge as well as has the right to speak Collection of knowledge, personal attitude, skills and relevant experience needed to be successful in a certain function IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) describes PM competencies in three areas: – Technical – Behavioral – Contextual

PMI (PMCDF) vs. IPMA (ICB) PMIIPMA  Stronger focus on methods (through PMBOK)  Primarily in the US  Written exam, lasts 4 hours and consists of 200 Questions  2 levels: - PMP (Project Management Professional) - CAPM (Certified Assistant in Project Management)  Soft skills strongly included  Primarily in Western Europe  Written exam, lasts 3 hours and consists of 120 Questions plus Case Studies  4 levels: - A: Projects director - B: Senior project manager - C: Project manager - D: Project management associate

IPMA PM Competencies Technical competence range: Fundamental project management competence elements. Covers the project management content (20 elements) Behavioral competent range: Personal management competence elements. Covers project manager’s attitude and skills (15 elements) Contextual competent range: Project management competence elements related to the context of the project. Covers competencies in managing relations within the management organization and the ability to function in a project focused organizations (11 elements)

IPMA PM Competencies 20 Technical competencies 15 Behavioural competencies 11 Contextual competencies => 46 competencies

IPMA 4 Levels of Certification IPMA Level Management Level Abilities ACertified Projects Director Able to direct all projects of a company or branch BCertified Project Manager Able to manage complex projects him/herself C Certified Project Management Professional Able to manage non-complex projects him/herself and/or to assist the manager in all aspects of a complex project D Certified Project Management Practitioner Shall have project management knowledge in all areas

IPMA Focus on Competence Elements according to Certification Levels Competence elementsIPMA Level A % IPMA Level B % IPMA Level C % IPME Level D % Technical competence Behavioral competence Contextual competence

Examples of Behavioral Competence Elements ….

Assertiveness : Behavioral Patterns

Relaxation : Behavioral Patterns