- Mallorca - Spain FISICOS: FIsica Interdisciplinar de SIstemas COmplejoS Consolider-C, Physics National Program, Spanish Ministry for Science and Education 1 Oct Sep 2012 (5 years). Budget: 1,318,900 € (390,000 for personnel) + 4 PhD fellowships + 1 technician (5 ys) FISICOS (FIS ) T. SintesC. López E. Hdez-GarcíaV.M. EguíluzM. MatíasC. Mirasso Pere Colet Damià Gomila Maxi San Miguel Alessandro Scirè TEAM PI:Co-PI: Raúl Toral R. Zambrini Permanent Researchers Senior Postdocs (1-X-09) 8 PhD fellows FISICOS postdoc Feb 08 External associates: J. J. Cerdá (FIAS Frankfurt) E. Manjarrez (Puebla) G. Pipa (FIAS Frankfurt) M. Sorel (Univ. of Glasgow) D. Centola (Harvard) EPO: MIK SIMPPLE Mandarina Fraunhoffer I N Miguel Pineda
FISICOS (FIS ) The research is organized in a unifying transverse line of exploration and fundamental nature · Transversal line : Complex systems: Statistical and Nonlinear Physics and 4 targeted research lines which focus on more specific fields: · Line 1: Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics and Dynamics of Optoelectronic Devices · Line 2: Fluid dynamics, Biofluids and Geophysical Fluids · Line 3: Biophysics and Nonlinear Phenomena in Ecology and Physiology · Line 4: Dynamics and collective phenomena in social systems Statement: Building upon previously funded projects (PB for 5 years, BFM : CONOCE and FIS : CONOCE2) we aim to develop interdisciplinary and strategic research from a common background of studies in Nonlinear Physics and Complex Systems, with methodologies taken from Statistical Physics, Dynamical Systems Theory and Computational Methods. General scientific objectives : a) Exploring: contribute to the development of concepts and methods for the understanding of generic non-linear phenomena in complex systems. b) Transferring interdisciplinary transfer of this body of knowledge to the strategic targeted research sub-lines 1-4.
FISICOS (FIS ) The qualitative improvement we propose here is to advance in a more risky research, avoiding endogenous incremental research and putting emphasis on interdisciplinary transfer. COMMITMENT: 3 years 5 years Total number of SCI publications Aggregated impact index Invited conferences in high level conferences Aggregated impact index in publications implying strong interdisciplinary transfer Quantitative commitment:
FISICOS (FIS ) · Develop and test new methodologies to derive macroscopic descriptions of interacting particle systems. · Characterize dynamics and new cooperative phenomena on complex networks, including weighted and directed networks. · Develop self-consistent methods in the treatment of excitable systems, in particular in synchronization problems. · Light beam control with photonic crystals and metamaterials. · Characterize quantum states and entanglement in beams carrying orbital angular momentum. · Security aspects in optical communication based on chaos. · Applications of novel semiconductors laser configurations including microcavities and arrays. · Obtain a global classification of different scenarios arising in chemically or biologically reacting fluids stirred by chaotic flows. · Identify mechanisms by which fluid turbulence influences biological plankton dynamics at different scales. · Non-linear dynamics study of environmental variability effects on coastal ecological systems. · To apply complex network techniques to organize genetic data from ecological and evolutionary contexts. · Understand the role of delayed interactions and fluctuations in the information transmission in neural systems. · Bring stochastic processes and methods into the context of drug design and modelling. · Develop methods and tools to manage pattern resilience in physical, ecological and social complex systems. · Impact the social sciences literature and community in consensus formation and co-evolution of social structure and agent dynamics. Some specific objectives: