Introducing RuFES Washington Horizons Seattle, WA November 1 – 4, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing RuFES Washington Horizons Seattle, WA November 1 – 4, 2009

Founder’s story embedded in the mission: Improve the life chances of disadvantaged children by giving them what they need most – strong, capable, financially secure families. Meet “Annie”

Research Reinforces our Instincts Growing up poor matters to kids: Hospitalized uninsured children have a 60% higher chance of dying (1000 kids/year) ¹. Physical evidence of impact on learning Significant correlation between percent of time spent in poverty 0 – 13 years old + physical evidence of stress + “working memory” as young adults ². 1 Johns Hopkins Children’s Center 2009 (cited in NY Times 10/31/09) 2 Evans and Schamberg, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2/24/09.

Low-skilled workforce matters to communities Federal Reserve Bank argues that the best investment in the economy is in human capital, starting in early childhood. We know what works!

Kids do well when their families do well; Families do better when they live in supportive communities. The “Mantra”

Thriving people Thriving places Decades Families sustain themselves, launch kids well Economy draws on full strength human capital One Generation Children healthy, succeed in school, prepared for productive life. Families work, earn, build wealth. Family & business-supporting communities 3-5 Years “Start with the End in Mind”

Thriving people Thriving places Decades Families sustain themselves, launch kids well Economy draws on full strength human capital One Generation Children healthy, succeed in school, prepared for productive life. Families work, earn, build wealth. Family & business-supporting communities 3-5 Years “Start with the End in Mind”

All families experience economic stability and success. –All families are getting by. –More families are getting ahead over time. All families contribute to and are buoyed by thriving communities. –All families are able to Earn It, Keep It, Grow It Family Economic Success: Striving Families Become Thriving Families

Earn It Make Work Pay so that Families have enough income to meet basic family budget (at least)

Improve skills to increase wages Build ladders and pipelines Close the gap –Maximize benefits –Co-ops –Informal jobs –Mutual self-help Workers have more earnings and other income Employers able to fill higher quality jobs with better prepared workers Earn It … what works?

Families –Immediate impact on ability to meet expenses. –25% - 30% “raise” –90% - 95% of families screened qualify for one or more benefits they are not receiving. Local economies –Immediate impact on local economy Food Stamps generate $1.73 for every dollar spent. Unemployment Insurance generates $1.63. MN: $1 billion into state economy in 1 year via federal funds (tax credits, food stamps, school meals, child care, energy assistance). ROI ≥ 9:1 (especially with technology and volunteers) Closing the Gap by Maximizing Benefits (EITC+)

Keep It Make every dollar count so that Families have stable and predictable financial lives and can weather small crises

Decrease the “high cost of being poor” –Car ownership programs –Health insurance Help families avoid “the money traps” –Help them make good decisions (link families to on- going coaching and advice) –Make good (fair, affordable) options available and protect them from exploitation Families have higher credit scores, lowering the cost of financial services Local businesses have more customers who can pay their bills Keep It … what works?

Grow It Improve families’ bottom line so that Families have bankable assets and are builders of strong local economies

Create pathways to assets –From emergency savings and credit repair to long-term savings and investments. –Individual Development Accounts (matched savings) Create good investment opportunities –Homeownership –Co-ops and other ownership opportunities –Business ownership Families build, preserve and leverage assets. The community supports, attracts and retains striving families and growing businesses. Grow It … what works?

“How” + “What”

“Campaign” Frame First Reach them In order to Engage them In order to Persuade/Change them

Quilt It so that The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of the Parts

Thank You! Miriam Shark Annie E Casey Foundation