Progress with high-resolution AMR wetted-foam simulations. Two issues are central: the role of density fluctuations at the ablation surface, shock speed. The new material tracking routines show a short mixing length. Simulations modeling the CH ablator show agreement with Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions. DDI 3.3: High-gain wetted-foam target design
A single fiber is subject to the Richtmyer-Meshkov and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities The primary instability is Richtmyer-Meshkov, which generates a pair of vortices as the shock passes the fiber.
A lone fiber is “destroyed” in ~13 ps, or about 3 fiber-crossing times. A characteristic hydrodynamic time scale is the shock-crossing time t c of the fiber. The fiber is accelerated to the speed of the DT in about ~2t c, or ~8 ps. 75% of the fiber mass lies outside its original boundaries after ~3t c, or ~13 ps.
The fiber destruction time depends on the ratio of fiber density to fluid density For a larger density ratio: –the Atwood number is higher and the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is increased –The velocity shear between the fiber and DT is greater, resulting in greater Kelvin-Helmholtz instability 40:1 density ratio
Identification of the CH as a second material type provides a measure of mixing
Tagging a single fiber as a third material shows the degree of mixing Any cell with over 10 mg/cc of the “tagged” material is colored red.
Fourier decomposition of the tracer mass fraction shows a mixing length of ~1.3 m The average e-folding distance for decay of the mass-fraction fluctuations is ~1.3 m.
Shocks reflected from the fibers raise the pressure, elevating the post-shock pressure The higher pressure results in an elevated shock speed relative to a shock in a uniform field of the same average density, with the same inflow pressure.
When the CH ablator is included, the Rankine- Hugoniot jump conditions are satisfied These targets will be fabricated with a thin plastic overcoat. The post-shock conditions are the same as in the average case with the same pusher. On average the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions are obeyed, and the shock speeds are the same. An average treatment of density, as in LILAC, is accurate.
The fiber destruction time depends on the ratio of the fiber density to the fluid density 40:1 4:1 4 ps8 ps12 ps
The fiber-resolved simulations behave, on average, like the equivalent 1-D simulation
Shocks reflected from the foam fibers elevate the post-shock pressure. The main shock is partially reflected off the foam fibers. The reflected shocks make their way though the mix region, eventually crossing the ablation surface and entering the corona. Conservation of mass requires the density in the mix region match the post-shock speed. Since ~ log(p / 5/3 ), the post-shock adiabat is higher by p / p ~ ??.
The fiber destruction time depends on the ratio of fiber density to fluid density For a larger density ratio: –the Atwood number is lower and the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is increased –The velocity shear between the fiber and DT is greater, resulting in greater Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Artificial viscosity is modeled in BEARCLAW by splitting the contact discontinuity The Riemann problem at a cell boundary is solved with three waves: shock, rarefaction (collapsed to a midpoint line) and contact discontinuity (CD). Eulerian codes are subject to the growth of noise due to discretization. These are eliminated in BEARCLAW by splitting the CD from a sharp transition to a smooth transitional region. For appropriate values of the artificial viscosity, the shock speed is not affected.