Future Energy and Environment M Tamim PMRE Dept, BUET
Past & Present
Past & Present (contd.)
The Need of the Time (Before the next major break through) Improve efficiency Conserve energy Increase use of renewable Increase use of Nuclear Innovate Manage carbon
US energy use in 2008
The efficiency game USA Data – Buildings use 73% electricity (40% of total energy) 25% to 30% improvement possible – Industries can reduce by 14% to 20% – Transport Present light vehicle millage 25m/gal By 2030, conventional vehicle will increase to 35m/gal 20% of US energy comes through efficiency
Building efficiency
Conservation Attitudinal issue – UK group encouraging men urinating in compost dump! Major awareness campaign Need! Not Greed Gain must not be replaced by larger machines or more luxury No realistic estimate of saving
Renewable (all about land) Desert solar15 – 20 W/m 2 German Bavaria solar5 W/m 2 Scottish hydro (lake area)11 W/m 2 Sea or land wind in windy area 2.5 W/m 2 Best energy crop in EU0.5 W/m 2 Year around day night average electricity production Present world average requirement is 0.1w/m2
Most cost effective renewable
Carbon management
The commercial game (6 trillion $)
Innovation? All focused on carbon neutral power production and improved efficiency! Solar devices with trapped sunlight Small low speed wind turbines Nano-technology Carbon capturing in limestone Trap power in high wind by kite type turbine Solar flower tower Power from bridge, road and moving cars Solar satellite power Splitting water w/o chemicals Nuclear Fusion Waste, low tidal/current turbines Improved battery Carbon to cement
Believe in human ingenuity and innovation!