Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/2007 1 2007 Downtime Readiness Review Hamid Shoaee For LCLS Controls Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Downtime Readiness Review Hamid Shoaee For LCLS Controls Group (in the following departments) Controls Power Conversion Klystron

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Agenda LCLS Control System Installation Readiness Objectives & Scope Schedule & the Process Cable Plant, racks and other infrastructure I&C Systems status and schedule Issues & Concerns

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ AASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line Injector Controls Installation Complete Gun/Inj./BC1 Commissioning Gun/Inj./BC1 Install (8/21 – 2/20) linac/BC2 Install Inj./Linac/BC2 Commissioning LTU/und. Install LTU/und. hall “ready” ControlsCheckout LTU/und. Commissioning First Spont. Light Oct. 19, 2006

SLAC linac tunnel research yard Linac-0 L =6 m Linac-1 L  9 m Linac-2 L  330 m Linac-3 L  550 m BC1 L  6 m BC2 L  22 m DL2 L =275 m ‘Wall region’ undulator L =130 m 6 MeV 135 MeV 250 MeV4.30 GeV13.6 GeV Linac-X L =0.6 m 21-1 b,c,d...existing linac L0-a,b rf gun 21-3b 24-6d X 25-1a 30-8c Commission now 2007 down, Sept-Nov LCLS Accelerator Regions Nov. 1, ’07 Down:Sep., Oct., Nov. of 2007 Run:Dec through ~Aug To:SL2-stopper in BSY (just past linac sector-30)

Remove 8 RF sections (24-7, 8) Remove quad Q24801 Add 4 new bends in sector-24 Add 6 new quads (3 types) Add 1 ‘wide’ BPM Add 1 x-collimator Add 1 OTR screen Modifications in Sector-24 for BC2 (Emma)

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Linac Modifications (Fall ‘07) Remove 8 RF sections (24-7, 8) Remove quad Q24801 Add 4 new bends in sector-24 Add 6 new quads (3 types) Add 1 ‘wide’ BPM Add 1 x-collimator Add 1 OTR screen

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Linac Modifications (continued) Add 4 new wire scanners in sector-24 Add 3 OTR screens (1 BC1, 2 in sec-25) Move LOLA (trans. deflector) from sec-29 to 25-2 (powered by the 24-8 klystron) Add pulsed horizontal dipole magnet in sec-25 (BXKIK) Move 2 LI28 Wire Scanners, 44 & 544, by meters BPM electronics upgraded (resolution improved) More feedback loops (energy & bunch length)

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Linac Modifications (continued) Power Systems BC2 racks & PS (install racks and PS at sector 24) I&C Systems I&C racks and systems (install racks at sector 24) Cable Plant Sector 24 ( install new trays and cable plant from sector 24 racks into Linac; terminate at racks and at loads) BTH West (pull cables from B005, 105, 106 through BSY into BTH West and coil cables; no loads & no racks installed yet) B136 through BSY to BTH West Remove cut cables from FFTB

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Plans & Process for BC2 Controls System Installation Controls installation takes place in several steps: Design, procurement and Installation of the cable plant including trays, long haul DC and I&C cables Cables Termination and connection to beam line components (Mechanical Systems) Procurement & preparation of electronics racks Installation of electronics chassis and modules including crates, IOCs, timing modules in the racks Rack installation in the field, AC & cable plant connection

Controls Installation Schedule Overview

Cable Plant Design & Installation Process From the list of devices to be installed… Develop racks layout & cable tray design Generate rack profiles for electronics modules Identify DC & I&C cabling requirements & document in CAPTAR Produce installation bid package from CAPTAR and tray designs Generate installation bid package & award contract Procure trays, cables, connectors, etc. Install cable plant and terminate to beam line components

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Typical Sector Cable List (Michael De salvo, Mario Ortega)

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Sector 24 Connector List First draft BC2 cable design  13k feet  $245k (cable)  $10k (connectors)

Racks will be pre-loaded in B24 before field installation

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ BC2 Controls Sub-Systems Cable plant Racks, crates, IOC, etc. Networks Magnet power supply control Vacuum control Safety systems PPS, MPS, BCS Motion control Wire scanners, Collimators, Chicane Timing Beam instrumentation and diagnostics BPM, Toroid, OTR/YAG, Bunch length monitor LLRF

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ LCLS Controls systems For each system… Technical leads have developed a schedule covering all phases leading to installation and commissioning The schedules include development of appropriate field documents (EI, WD), rack profile/cable plant design, procurement, installation and system checkout Continue Interfacing with Mario Ortega, Bob Fuller, Mike DiSalvo to coordinate procurement and installation We will be reviewing each schedule to identify bottlenecks, dependencies on other systems, resource availability

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Safety Systems for BC2,L2,L3 PPS The Linac PPS does not require modification to run LCLS beam to SL-2. There is an AIP project to convert the Linac and BSY to the LCLS PLC- based system in 2008 MPS We will use the current (1553-based) MPS for BC2. Two new ion chambers will be required The system will include 10 LDIM inputs OTR21 (2ea) OTR22 (2ea) OTR_CAV (2ea) BC2 Mover (2ea) CE21 (2ea) We will need to commission AP25 (currently installed but powered down) to accommodate a new PICP module and an LDIM (already installed).

BC2 MPS Schedule Check out 12/3

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Concurrently developing new LCLS MPS Response time of less than one pulse at 120 Hz Decoupling from Master Pattern Generator (MPG) Fast communication and processing Knowledge of beam rate Integration of EVR to MPS and fault devices New hardware extended 1.2 km past current MPS Non-CAMAC Ready for photon section

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ LCLS MPS Features Has response time low enough to protect the undulator (less than 8.3 ms) Communicates with LCLS timing system (EVG) Supports new beam loss monitoring hardware and rate limiting methods Easily extendable and is designed around standards based COTS components Flexible input and output methods

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Overview

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Core Hardware and Software Hardware and Software Completion DateQuantityCost per Unit Digital Input Card04/16/ Digital Output CardDone4700 MVME /31/ EVR05/31/ Reflective Memory04/02/ Reflective Memory Hub 04/02/ Total Note: These are material costs only. Development labor, installation, etc. costs are not included.

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Other MPS Devices Hardware and SoftwareCompletion DateQuantity Beam Loss Monitors05/01/200852–154 Beam Loss Monitor ADC (Argonne) 05/01/200810–25 PLIC Scope Card05/01/20083

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Milestones TaskCompletion Date User Interface11/01/2007 Linac Installation11/01/2007 BC2 Commissioning12/03/2007 LTU-Undulator Commissioning05/01/2008 Preliminary Design Review04/16/2007 Final Design Review09/03/2007 Readiness Review10/17/2007

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ BCS (Beam Containment System) We will use & extend the existing BCS for BC2 commissioning Two possible configurations are being considered 1.New BCS PIC System installation in Sector-24 A 50 conductor trunk from the Sector-28 BCS rack to a new rack in Sector- 24. Long hauls from Sector-24 BCS Rack to the beam line devices in Sector-24 (2 cables per PIC, 1 cable per LION, 1 cable per Flow Switch or Pressure Switch) 2.Use BCS PIC system in Sector-28 (Depends on being able to drive PIC/LION HV and signal four sectors) Long hauls from Sector-28 to the beam line devices in Sector-24 (2 cables per PIC, 1 cable per LION, 1 cable per Flow Switch or Pressure Switch) For either configuration… Install VME Crate and associated hardware/software/network Install new LION Gas system. AC Power to Sector-28 & Sector-24 racks.

BC2 BCS Schedule Check out 11/23

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Magnet Power Supply Control The software design is mature and will require little if any changes for BC2 Procurements are well under way and orders have been placed for power supplies, racks, etc. There is a detailed schedule covering bench testing, rack loading, wiring, pre-installation checkout, through field installation The system will be ready 11/30


Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Vacuum controls uses BC1 design, with detailed procurement list in place

Vacuum controls check out by 11/20/07

Wire scanners, Collimators and BC2 motion control use the same design as BC1, and will be available 11/20/07

Networks will be ready early in October to allow Controls checkout

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Timing System The scope is to deliver triggers and timestamp data to all subsystems requiring such. The system can be split into two parts 1.Long-haul distribution of triggers from the EVG to EVRs in Linac and beyond 2.Short-haul back end consisting of the HW & SW to receive the EVG timing signal and generate triggers. This is well-understood and defined. Part 1 requires some engineering development as the event system can only have a maximum link length of 300 meters. We can daisy-chain, but only for 3 hops before exceeding the jitter budget. We need a better solution This is a tractable item and should not have a high level of risk. Another item of concern with the long-haul distribution is timing phase error due to temperature drift – a mechanism is needed to correct for this. This will need some R&D and we need to decide based on short- versus long-term requirements if users can live with this for now. We have to anyway since time is short We have a procurement for the "back end" of the timing system consisting of all the HW (fan-outs, EVRs, crates, cables) to deliver triggers to the end subsystem. The long haul procurement list is pending a design decision

Timing System Schedule

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Beam Instrumentation & Diagnostics Profile Monitors There are 3 OTRs in the LINAC: OTR21, OTR22, OTR_TCAV – These use BC1 designs and electronics Design in April, procurement in May, system test July ~ August. Toroids There are two toroids in linac: IMBC2I and IMBC2O We need to re-spin the data acquisition board for small revisions to the artwork Electronics will be ready in August for system testing Bunch Length Monitor BL21 and BL22, similar to BL11 and BL12 in BC1 Procurement in April and test in May ~ June. Dumps and Stoppers SL2 might need some new data monitoring.

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Beam Position Monitors The linac BPMs have to be upgraded for better resolution for undulator commissioning in May-June ‘08 Do we need to upgrade for the BC2,L2,L3 commissioning? Do the existing BPM electronics work at 200 pC? Do they trigger reliably at low charge? What resolution do they provide? Test next week with A-Line beam If we need the linac BPM upgrade Install 20 racks Design and install cable plant for 79 BPMs Re-spin BPM analog front-end design Fabricate and test 120 BPM chassis Install 79 BPM chassis If we can defer the upgrade We still have to install the cable plant for all of the linac BPMs in this down time Of the 17 BPMs in switchyard we will connect to only 2 And one BPM in BC2

LLRF Schedule

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ BC2 Controls Risk Matrix

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Testing & Checkout Strategies For each subsystem, we will use test stands to verify the complete system Test stands currently in place include: Timing Vacuum Magnet power supplies Motion control – wire scanners, collimator, etc. Rack loading & testing Need to accomplish as much as possible in B024 prior to Sept. transport to field site. In-field loading (Davis-Bacon) and intra-rack cabling is less efficient.

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Rack Assembly Area

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Issues & Concerns Schedule & Resources Schedule is very tight, just fits in down time Controls is the systems “integrator” – delays in other systems directly impact our installation Cable Plant Installation Coordination of activities with other installation groups is very important and could jeopardize schedule Linac BPM upgrade could be an added challenge System Functionality Timing System – small concern BPM, Toroid – need verification of design

Hamid Shoaee Control System Installation 3/16/ Summary Controls in general is in good shape for 2007 installation No major design or production issues dominate the plan The schedule is challenging with little float While a large number of sub-systems will be installed on time, some will need attention to stay on schedule