P10216 – Robot Navigation and Plant Platform Mahbubul Alam (CE) – Team Lead Corey Provencher (EE) – Technical Lead Marcus Gwillim (CE) Alan Olson (EE) Nicolas Bouret (EE)
Introduction and Project Goals Project is part of a joint team endeavor in the Vehicle Systems and Technologies Track. Goal is to develop a navigation system for the robotic platform developed by P – System uses navigation and plant sensors in order to capture real- world data, and gain an understanding of the surroundings. – Develop firmware for all of the sensors. – Develop software to perform navigational tasks using sensor data. – Maintain a wireless connection to a host computer in order to send status updates. – Hand off project to incoming P10217 and P10218 teams.
Team Roles Maha Alam – Team Lead, software development, sensor integration with software. Corey Provencher – Technical Lead, firmware development, I2C protocol, hardware integration. Nicolas Bouret – Sensor testing, sensor integration, soldering and electronics mounting. Alan Olson – Sensor testing, power management, integration and testing. Marcus Gwillim – Linux administration, motor control communication, navigation software development.
Customer Needs
Engineering Specs
System Architecture
Firmware Architecture
Software Architecture
Robotic Platform
Boards: Master and Slaves BeagleBoard: Sensor Board:
Navigation Algorithm
Testing - Sonar
Testing - IR
What is Completed Sensors are mounted on robotic frame, and are collecting environmental information. Information is processed and stored on MSP430 registers. BeagleBoard reads in information and evaluates it. Maintains connection with Host Computer over Wifi. Groundwork is set for collision detection. Groundwork is set for plant care.
Future Work/Recommendations Full testing with software, including collision detection and plant care algorithms. Implementation of traits that give the robot more “personality.” Field testing with the robot placed in crowded situations. Hand off to Software Applications team for further implementation of software.
Lessons Learned Better communication between Locomotion and Navigation teams. Start early development in Senior Design I. Carefully plan integration of all hardware into a reliable setup.