Wealth GDP Analysis: World Geographic Economic Differences
Keith White Peoria Unified School District #11 American Economics American Economics AZ/US Government AZ/US Government Sociology Sociology Social Studies Dept. Chair/Instructional Leader Social Studies Dept. Chair/Instructional Leader Raymond S. Kellis High School Raymond S. Kellis High School Teacher Consultant (TC) Arizona Geographic Alliance Teacher Consultant (TC) Arizona Geographic Alliance
GDP Connection to Social Studies Economics (Indicators) Economics (Indicators) Geography (Relationship & Location) Geography (Relationship & Location) Sociology (Culture & Social Problems) Sociology (Culture & Social Problems) AZ/US History (Trends in growth) AZ/US History (Trends in growth) AZ/US Government (Public Policy) AZ/US Government (Public Policy)
Grade Level 9-12 (High School) 9-12 (High School) Basic GDP can also be applied in lower elementary levels, ELL, and Special Education Basic GDP can also be applied in lower elementary levels, ELL, and Special Education
Time Frame Designed for 90-minutes on block schedule Designed for 90-minutes on block schedule Homework research assessment Homework research assessment Extensive opportunities to apply extensions based on subject and grade level Extensive opportunities to apply extensions based on subject and grade level Modifications for 30-minutes to 120- minutes and Honors or AP classes Modifications for 30-minutes to 120- minutes and Honors or AP classes
National Geography Standards Element Four: Human Systems Element Four: Human Systems 11-The Patterns and Networks of Economic Interdependence on Earth's Surface 11-The Patterns and Networks of Economic Interdependence on Earth's Surface
AZ State Geography Standards PROFICIENCY PROFICIENCY 3SS-p2 Analyze natural and human characteristics of places in the world studied to define regions, their relationships, and their pattern of change, with emphasis on: 3SS-p2 Analyze natural and human characteristics of places in the world studied to define regions, their relationships, and their pattern of change, with emphasis on: PO1-the interrelationships among natural and human processes that shape the geographic characteristics of regions, including connections among economic development, urbanization, population growth, and environmental change. PO1-the interrelationships among natural and human processes that shape the geographic characteristics of regions, including connections among economic development, urbanization, population growth, and environmental change. PO4-how the character and meaning of a place is related to its economic, social, and cultural characteristics and why different groups in society view places and region differently. PO4-how the character and meaning of a place is related to its economic, social, and cultural characteristics and why different groups in society view places and region differently.
AZ Economic Standards Concept 2 Microeconomics PO1 Interdependence of households Concept 2 Microeconomics PO1 Interdependence of households Concept 3 Macroeconomics PO1 Gross Domestic Product Concept 3 Macroeconomics PO1 Gross Domestic Product
Other Standards Math (Calculations and comparisons) Math (Calculations and comparisons) Language Arts (Research and writing) Language Arts (Research and writing)
Overview of GDP Continues Macroeconomics Unit (Concept 3) Continues Macroeconomics Unit (Concept 3) Continue Economic Indicators Chapter (PO1) Continue Economic Indicators Chapter (PO1) Uses comparative analysis and location Uses comparative analysis and location Provides brief understanding of GDP Provides brief understanding of GDP Student connection and importance as consumers and citizens Student connection and importance as consumers and citizens
Materials World Atlas (each student or pairs) World Atlas (each student or pairs) Simple calculator (each student or pairs) Simple calculator (each student or pairs) GDP power point GDP power point GDP tables GDP tables Blank World map (each student) Blank World map (each student) Internet (optional) Internet (optional)
Objectives The student will be able to describe economic indicators and why they are used and then describe GDP, its calculation and how population is used to determine per capita GDP. The student will be able to describe economic indicators and why they are used and then describe GDP, its calculation and how population is used to determine per capita GDP. Next, complete a comparative analysis categorizing high and low per capita GDP and identifying and labeling on a world map. Next, complete a comparative analysis categorizing high and low per capita GDP and identifying and labeling on a world map. Finally, make a written recommendation on a poor GDP county that has been researched by the student for geographic and additional economic data. Finally, make a written recommendation on a poor GDP county that has been researched by the student for geographic and additional economic data. Extensions (optional): The student will identify key economics resources in Arizona that would contribute to the US GDP totals and add to the Arizona Standard of Living. Extensions (optional): The student will identify key economics resources in Arizona that would contribute to the US GDP totals and add to the Arizona Standard of Living.
Procedures Follow power point or copy for overhead transparencies overview of GDP Follow power point or copy for overhead transparencies overview of GDP Calculate per capital GDP Calculate per capital GDP Draw comparisons in relation to poverty, standard of living, and trade Draw comparisons in relation to poverty, standard of living, and trade World Map location World Map location Research Assessment (Homework) Research Assessment (Homework) Extensions Extensions
Key Economic Terms Economic Indicators Economic Indicators GDP GDP GNP GNP Nominal Nominal Real Real CPI CPI Inflation Inflation Per Capita Per Capita Goods/Services Goods/Services Import/Export Import/Export Trade Surplus/Trade Deficit (net) Trade Surplus/Trade Deficit (net) World Bank World Bank Relative Poverty Relative Poverty Factors of Production Factors of Production
Guided Practice Use World GDP Tables Use World GDP Tables Calculate per capita (nominal GDP / population) Calculate per capita (nominal GDP / population) Locate, identify, label and shade on world map top 10 per capita GDP countries Locate, identify, label and shade on world map top 10 per capita GDP countries Locate, identify, label and shade on world map bottom 10 per capita GDP countries Locate, identify, label and shade on world map bottom 10 per capita GDP countries Locate, identify, label and shade on world map 5 additional per capital GDP countries that the student selects. (Native country or countries of interest.) Locate, identify, label and shade on world map 5 additional per capital GDP countries that the student selects. (Native country or countries of interest.)
Who Cares About GDP? Comparative understanding of resources, trade, and standard of living. Comparative understanding of resources, trade, and standard of living. Poverty and it’s relativity. Poverty and it’s relativity. Life affected by conveniences, comforts, good food, nice things! Life affected by conveniences, comforts, good food, nice things! Geographic awareness of other countries in comparison to the USA. Geographic awareness of other countries in comparison to the USA. Connections from economics to geography. Connections from economics to geography. What does Arizona do to contribute to the GDP? (Optional extension) What does Arizona do to contribute to the GDP? (Optional extension)
Assessment Student Selects developing country to research Student Selects developing country to research Determines population, GDP, and calculates per capita. Determines population, GDP, and calculates per capita. Compares with US data Compares with US data Brief analysis of available resources, labor and trade opportunities Brief analysis of available resources, labor and trade opportunities Summarized in a 1-page letter to the World Bank asking for a 10-billion dollar loan and why the loan would be necessary to improve the per capita GDP, improve standard of living, and reduce poverty, suffering, and misery. Summarized in a 1-page letter to the World Bank asking for a 10-billion dollar loan and why the loan would be necessary to improve the per capita GDP, improve standard of living, and reduce poverty, suffering, and misery.
Extensions Arizona GDP contribution Arizona GDP contribution Poverty relativity Poverty relativity Politics and Comparative Economic Systems (Socialism and Capitalism) Politics and Comparative Economic Systems (Socialism and Capitalism) Trade, comparative advantage, and deficits Trade, comparative advantage, and deficits Factors of Production Factors of Production Scarcity of resources Scarcity of resources Labor force education, health care Labor force education, health care
Sources Middle School World Geography: Focus on Economics NCEE (Lesson 5) Middle School World Geography: Focus on Economics NCEE (Lesson 5) World Geography Today HOLT (Chapter 6 - Human Systems) World Geography Today HOLT (Chapter 6 - Human Systems) Economics: Principles and Practices GLENCOE (Chapter 14) Economics: Principles and Practices GLENCOE (Chapter 14) Arizona Geographic Alliance (Map) Arizona Geographic Alliance (Map) An Empire of Wealth (John Steele Gordon) The Epic History of American Economic Power PERENNIAL PRESS An Empire of Wealth (John Steele Gordon) The Epic History of American Economic Power PERENNIAL PRESS (International Monetary Fund) (International Monetary Fund) (Central Intelligence Agency – Fact Book) (Central Intelligence Agency – Fact Book)