JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 1 IAP, Paris, 20th Feb 07 WIFI: 556 A0 DA DA 1 JRA1 5th General Meeting Low background techniques for deep underground sciences
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 2 JRA1 WPs WP1 – Measurement of backgrounds in the EU underground labs WP2 – Development of a library of background simulation codes WP3 – R&D for UL background techniques and facilities in the labs WP4 – R&D on radio-purity of materials and purification techniques JRA1 participants Contractors: UNIZAR, CEA/CNRS, INFN, USFD, MPIK, TUM, JRC Non-contractors: RAL, FZK, Dortmund, Silesia, Henryk Niewodniczanski, Pol. Milano, CUPP
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 3 DateMeetingLocation Participants Website 10/07/06 4th JRA1 General MeetingZaragoza22 ilias/JRA1/05.htm 14/09/06 JRA1 WP2 meeting at IDM 2006Rhodes40 wp2Back/wp2BackS im.htm 01/10/06 JRA1WP4 meeting at LRT 2006Aussois38 lrt2006.in2p3.fr/ 20/02/07 5th JRA1 General MeetingParis Meetings: Welcome to Jean-Côme Lanfranchi (TUM)
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 4 Next events ILIAS General Meeting (26-28 Feb, Chambéry): - Talk on Neutron background studies in the DUL by Eirini Tziaferi - Talk on Muon-induced background for underground physics experiments by Luciano Pandola Mid-term review (28 Feb, Chambéry): Talk about “technical progress” of tasks/deliverables/modifications for JRA1 activity (José M. Carmona) ILIAS-next (1 March, Chambéry): Talk about new JRA1 in ILIAS-next (Matthias Laubenstein) ANNUAL REPORT (send to Gilles before 5 March!!)
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 5 Tasks and deliverables for 3rd year
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 6 Tasks and deliverables for 3rd year
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 7 4th year First six months 4th year deliverables: - ALL databases open and available for UG users (background components, MC library, and radiopurity) - Final TR on new low background facilities - Results and prospects about R&D program on purification techniques
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 8
9 3rd year Annual Report
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page rd year Annual Report
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page rd year Annual Report
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page rd year Annual Report
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page rd year Annual Report
JRA1 5th General Meeting. Paris, February 2007 JRA1 web page 14 Mid-term Review JRA1 – Main achievements Visits to the labs and exchange of information/practices Visits to the labs and exchange of information/practices Upgrade and improvement of ultralow background facilities Upgrade and improvement of ultralow background facilities Formation of a discussion group about Monte Carlo simulations; contact with GEANT 4 development group addressing them specific questions and needs for simulations of underground physics Formation of a discussion group about Monte Carlo simulations; contact with GEANT 4 development group addressing them specific questions and needs for simulations of underground physics Access to information in the databases created for WP1, WP4 (first databases ever created on background measurements and measurements of radiopurity of materials) Access to information in the databases created for WP1, WP4 (first databases ever created on background measurements and measurements of radiopurity of materials) Access to library of programs plus documentation created for WP2 Access to library of programs plus documentation created for WP2 Others? … Others? … What activities/results would you remark in the Mid-Term Review?