Smart Office App Upload: The missing link between the field & carriers Michele Ohler FLMI Associate Director – eInitiatives AIG American General Individual Product Operations
Objectives What we will cover: AIG American General Individual Product Operations A Traditional Application Life Cycle Benefits Of Smart Office AG App Upload Other AG Technologies Potential AG/E-Z Data Enhancements Technical Change – Industry Wide
AIG American General AIG American General is the marketing name for the companies comprising the domestic life operations of American International Group, Inc. (AIG). AIG American General companies offer a broad spectrum of products to serve the financial and estate planning needs of its customers throughout the US. These products include: Life Insurance Annuity Investment Accident and Health Insurance Financial Institutions
AIG AG eSubmission History When we started: Data & Image Model – January, 2002 “Ticket” Model – January, 2002 Image Submission Model – June, 2002 Where we are today: 3 Image Models Supporting 200+ Agencies 4 Image and Data Models Supporting 12 Agencies 2 Ticket Models Supporting 10 Agencies Smart Office App Upload: January, 2007
AIG AG eSubmission Future Where we are headed: Continuing Installations Evaluating Other Solutions Enhancing Existing Solutions Additional Product Support
Why eSubmission? The traditional application workflow: Filled with repetition and inefficiencies!
Why eSubmission? The Smart Office App Upload workflow: Shaves days off the processing time!
Smart Office App Upload Flexible Requirements for AIG AG will not impact data required for other carriers. Reliable AIG AG application rules are built into the system. Efficient Cases received via app upload receive priority handling. App upload eliminates mail time and fax handling. At least one processing day is removed at AIG AG’s office.
Smart Office App Upload to AIG AG Coupled with other AIG AG Solutions: Electronic Signatures Electronic Policy Delivery Automated Underwriting Can save additional time.
AIG AG - Streamlining the policy life cycle Electronic Submissions XML and/or Web Status Secure Messaging Automated Requirements Ordering & Matching Automated Underwriting Automated Issue Application Completion New Business Underwriting Policy Delivery & Commissions Intelligent Forms Electronic Signatures Paramedical Quality Ticket Credit Cards Electronic Signatures eDelivery eServices XML Commission Data/On-Line Statements
AIG AG – Integrating Vendor Services Electronic Submissions XML and/or Web Status Secure Messaging Automated Requirements Ordering & Matching Automated Underwriting Automated Issue Application Completion New Business Underwriting Policy Delivery & Commissions Intelligent Forms Electronic Signatures Paramedical Quality Ticket Credit Cards Electronic Signatures eDelivery eServices XML Commission Data/On-Line Statements E-Z Data
Smart Office App Upload to AG Future Enhancements: Additional App Upload Users Ordering a Teleinterview Improved Pending Status Feeds Commission Feeds Inforce Data Feeds
Life Insurance Industry Trends Streamline Imaging Establish Data Feeds Throughout Workflow Utilize New Data Sources Anticipate Change.
The importance of being innovative * Study provides perspective on challenges insurers will confront in 2020 and strategies for successful innovation: What fundamental trends will shape the insurance marketplace? What strategic challenges will serve as a catalysts for change? How must the industry evolve to meet the needs of demanding customers? Can companies distinguish themselves in a market where the playing field is increasingly leveled by technology? *From IBM Global Business Services “Insurance 2020: The Importance of Being Innovative” May 2006
Optimizing today’s “business as usual” will not be enough to create value and ensure success in 2020 * Key Findings Mega-trends will force the industry to innovate Old modes of thinking threaten the industry’s ability to innovate Interlopers, (i.e., non-traditional distributors) will increasingly disrupt traditional insurance operations Industry leadership will require experimentation in operating models, processes, products and customer relationships Strategic investment in business model innovation today is critical to success in 2020 The old model of insurance has been pushed forward by automation for the past 40 years – future success will come from exploiting new models *From IBM Global Business Services “Insurance 2020: The Importance of Being Innovative” May 2006
To what extent will the insurance industry change by the year 2020? * *From IBM Global Business Services “Insurance 2020: The Importance of Being Innovative” May 2006
There will be increased partnership and collaboration across stakeholders in 2020? * Success will favor carriers that recognize the power of collaboration and act on it sooner than later* *From IBM Global Business Services “Insurance 2020: The Importance of Being Innovative” May 2006
Strong financial performers are more likely to emphasize business model innovation * Business model innovation will allow the insurance industry to improve their financial performance *From IBM Global Business Services “Insurance 2020: The Importance of Being Innovative” May 2006
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