Manchester and STFC and Particle Physics Roger Barlow September 7 th 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Manchester and STFC and Particle Physics Roger Barlow September 7 th 2007

Research Manchester University STFC

Research Manchester University STFC Particle Physics

Manchester Particle Physics A unique integrated group over 100 strong

Large AND successful Group Esteem Indicators Spokesman for D0 (Wyatt) Run Coordinator for ATLAS (Wengler) Chair of PPGP (Lafferty) Spokesman for FP420 (Cox) Physics coordinator for D0 (Söldner-Rembold) Chair of IoP HEPP group (Barlow) TV appearances (Cox) …..

Concentrate on aspects of our activity most relevant for today’s visit: those where we interact with ex-CCLRC part of STFC, such as detector construction. All our achievements in organisation and leadership and production of physics results will be largely ignored in this talk. Next visit? However…

Building Experiments: history Design and construction in- house of large drift chambers JADE, OPAL, H1

Built half the endcap calorimeter (in conjunction with Daresbury) CP violation in B sector observed – and comprehensively measured 300+ papers

Trigger hardware and software Analysis (first D0 Run II paper by Söldner-Rembold) Leadership (spokesman, physics co-ordinator)

Silicon tracker Modules assembled ahead of time and better than spec.

Large team based at CERN (Wengler) leading trigger design to ensure that interesting events (top quarks) are not rejected (needle in haystack problem) Trigger

Tomorrow’s Experiments SuperNEMO Prototyping drift tubes for module construction CALICE Assembly of 40,000 (?) silicon pads FP420 - more later

Experiment: Electronics Electronics labs and engineers Design circuits Design circuit boards – routing software Build circuits – bonding machine FPGA programming Newly refurbished labs

Experiment - future Brunel group (Watts and DaVia) 3D silicon – for FP420 and ATLAS upgrade

particle PLANAR i ~ 500 mm Active edge ~4  m p+p+ n+n  m 50  m 3D n+n+ p+p+ n+n+ n+n+ n+n+ p+p+ p+p+ p+p+ n+n+ 3D versus planar Manchester/Stanford Collaboration Transfer to Industry in progress – SINTEF

3x10 15 p/cm 2 = 10 years LHC at cm -2 s -1 At r=4cm 1.8 x p/cm 2 = 10 years SLHC at cm -2 s -1 At r=4cm Radiation Hardness Cinzia DaVia – Hiroshima Conf World Record for a silicon detector !!

Experiment: summary We have mechanical and electronic expertise. Clean rooms and equipment in the group Large Workshops in the School An STFC (ex CCLRC)+ University partnership is not as simple as engineering+physics.

Theory QCD (Dasgupta, Forshaw, Seymour, Shaw) –Exploring new phenomena in QCD and applying to experiment (e.g.FP420) –Understanding gluon radiation. Crucial at the LHC, e.g. in Higgs production and other ‘New Physics’ processes –Simulating particle collisions: mused by all experiments as a crucial part of their analysis (Herwig++) New Physics (Pilaftsis, Forshaw) –Anticipating and preparing for the LHC: supersymmetric phenomena, Higgs bosons and the origin of mass –Understanding a universe with extra dimensions –Particle Physics in the early universe –Links to the astronomy group through common interest in cosmology, inflation, CMB, dark matter, dark energy

Theory/Experiment Joint papers –Simulations of possible theories and their experimental consequences Joint students –Very successful Crossovers (Schwanenberger, Peters)

Accelerators Part of Cockcroft Institute 2 additional appointments (3rd ongoing) 5 RAs, 3 students. Rapid growth continues

Accelerators Original purpose strongly aligned to ILC RF, Beam optics, Beam dumps, collimators Deeply embedded with ASTeC group at Daresbury Now generalising to CLIC

Accelerators Lead nsFFAG project ( £ 8M Basic Technology). EMMA now under construction at Daresbury. Working with ASTeC + Daresbury + RAL + JAI + medics

 Post-accelerated beams with the REX-ISOLDE (Radioactive Beam EXperiment On-Line Isotope Mass Separator) HIE-ISOLDE  HIE-ISOLDE In the first step: increase in REX energy from 3 to 5.5 MeV/u and later to 10 MeV/u, Proton Intensity 2  6  A  SoI for HIE-LINAC (SC linac to 5.5 MeV/u) submitted by consortium of Cockcroft, Daresbury, and Universities. Jones and Butler(Liverpool) Co-PIs

A specific example: FP420 Higgs production at LHC through glancing proton collisions Signalled by ‘rapidity gaps’ – emptyregions of the detectors – and outgoing protons. Experimentally observed at HERA (Cox), understood and simulated (ExHuME, Pomwig, ktJet) by Manchester physicists (Cox, Forshaw, Pilkington, Pilaftsis) H

FP420 Diffractive protons measured by small precise detectors 420 m downstream (3D Silicon for Radiation hardness) close to beam (Watts, DaVia) Effects of detectors and beampipe modifications on LHC beam must be shown to be negligible (Jones, Potter) Manchester experiments + theory + accelerator groups working in combination

eScience Grid Software (Andrew McNab and GridSite) Working with Manchester Research Computing through eSNW ‘Grid Security’ = ‘Encouraging Grid users’ Working with RAL eScience team (also CERN, other universities, etc.).

Tier 2 centre 2000 CPU Cluster (University funded) run by Particle Physics (GridPP and EGEE funded). Right architecture, right support, heavily used Major contributor to EGEE

eScience: more than just CPU cycles Standard grid jobs – MC production, molecular modelling for biomedicine – relatively simple More challenging: ATLAS trigger simulation: need to reserve dedicated block and to ship large quantities of data Grid farm for EM simulations – nodes build PVM Data skimming forBaBar

Working with STFC Strengths –Positive and professional staff Weaknesses –Slow decision processes. Over-management and bean-counting Opportunities –New initiatives, new partnerships. Daresbury Campus Threats –SR outcome.

Working at Manchester University Strengths –Healthy undergraduate and graduate recruitment –Top level commitment to world class research Weaknesses –Commitment not always consistent at lower levels Opportunities –Interactions with other groups Threats –RAE outcome

Conclusions Universities and Research Councils benefit greatly by working together Especially Manchester and STFC Particle Physics already does so, and welcomes the prospect of expansion in this area