CH3Br, 051109 Relative ion signals (I(M + )/I(CH 3 + )) vs Rydberg states agust,www,....Nov09/PPT-051109ak.ppt agust,heima,...CH3Br-Overall +mass-041109km-051109ak.pxp.


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Presentation transcript:

CH3Br, Relative ion signals (I(M + )/I(CH 3 + )) vs Rydberg states agust,www,....Nov09/PPT ak.ppt agust,heima,...CH3Br-Overall +mass km ak.pxp agust,heima,....XLS051109ak.xls NB: background spectra have not been subtracted in the mass spectra shown below

CH 3 + 2hv CH Br - / Threshold cm -1 Mw C + (partly due to impurities)

2hv CH Br - / Threshold cm -1 Mw CH 3 + C + (partly due to impurities)

2hv CBr + Br + Mw CH Br - / Threshold cm -1 See below

NB: relative ion signals (I(M + ) rel ) above are I(M + )/I(CH 3 + ) I(CH n + ) rel ; n = 2,1 and I(Br + ) rel increase as energy increases from 66000cm -1 to the CH Br - threshold (76695 cm -1 ) I(CH n + ) rel ; n = 2,1 and I(Br + ) rel decrease as energy increases above 76695cm -1 I(Br + )rel vanishes for energies above about I(CBr + ) rel stays almost constant for all energies, – after which it vanishes. Now lets check background signals vs Rydberg state signals:

CH 3 + CBr + Br + Background Near Rydb. state agust,heima,...CH3Br-Overall +mass km ak.pxp : Above Threshold:

CH 3 + CBr + Br + Background Near Rydb. state agust,heima,...CH3Br-Overall +mass km ak.pxp : Above Threshold:

It actually looks as if I(Br+) rel, I(CBr+) rel and I(CHn+) rel ; n = 2,1 are slighly stronger for the “background signal” compared to the “neighbour” (Rydberg + bgr)-signals. Lets check more bgr signals:

CH 3 + CBr + Br + Background Near Rydb. state Rydb. state agust,heima,...CH3Br-Overall +mass km ak.pxp : Way above Threshold:

Comparable I(M+) signals are seen for Rydberg (+bgr) and background signals!

CH 3 + Near threshold

It actually looks as if I(Br+) rel, only are slighly stronger for the “background signal” compared to the “neighbour” (Rydberg + bgr)-signal. Now we need to go below threshold