/08/2002SMARTER meeting 1 Solution of 2D Navier-Stokes equations in velocity-vorticity formulation using FD Remo Minero Scientific Computing Group – Dep. Mathematics and Computer Science
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 2 2D NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS where D is [-1; 1] x [-1; 1] x y O (1,1)(-1,1) (-1,-1)(1,-1) D
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 3 NUMERICAL METHOD Temporal discretization: Advection term: Adams-Bashforth scheme Convection term: Crank Nicolson scheme 2nd order Runge-Kutta scheme for the 1st time step Spatial discretization: Finite differences Influence matrix technique to enforce boundary condition for boundary condition for 2nd order accuracy Accuracy dependent on derivatives’ discretization (e.g. 1st order for upwind, 2nd for centred differences, etc.)
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 4 SELF ORGANIZATION OF VORTICES Random initial condition for u, initial value for follows consistently. (1 – Re=1000 ) (11 – Re=2500 )
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 5 FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Investigation on time evolution of some physical quantities like E, and L Steep gradient of near the walls: LDC Different initial conditions/ boundary conditions Comparing results and performances with already existing codes
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 6 LDC IN TRANSIENT PROBLEMS Coarse grid BC Defect Fine grid tntn t n-1 t n+1 t n+2 t xxx Max t non to have instabilities
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 7 xxx x L0 LDC WITH SPECTRAL METHODS Coarse grid BC Defect Fine grid ? xxx x L0
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 8 Re=1000
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 9 Re=2500
/08/2002SMARTER meeting 10 2D NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS where D is [-1; 1] x [-1; 1] x y O (1,1)(-1,1) (-1,-1)(1,-1) D