PDP and the Careers Centre Nicki Castello Head of Careers
Topics for this session The role of the Careers Centre in PDP The role of the Careers Centre in PDP Current strategy Current strategy Career Management – tour the territory Career Management – tour the territory Some success stories Some success stories Future directions… Future directions…
The Careers Centre exists to support the University’s current students, recent graduates and staff by helping them to develop their employability skills and manage their own career development.
PDP and the Careers Centre The Careers Centre aims to encourage students to think about their personal development at university in relation to their career aims and future employability. The Careers Centre aims to encourage students to think about their personal development at university in relation to their career aims and future employability.
Benefits of career development learning… Motivation Motivation Confidence Confidence Focus Focus Level and range of achievement Level and range of achievement Smoother transition from HE to next activity Smoother transition from HE to next activity Better chance of a graduate calibre job on graduation Better chance of a graduate calibre job on graduation
Careers Centre strategy for PDP At Level 1 – focus on information resources MPloy, web-based information, 160 modules At Level 1 – focus on information resources MPloy, web-based information, 160 modules At Level 2 – focus on curriculum input Options, career planning, work experience, placements and volunteering At Level 2 – focus on curriculum input Options, career planning, work experience, placements and volunteering At Level 3 – focus on individual guidance 1-1 interviews, workshops to develop transition skills (CV & application writing, networking, job- hunting, interview & presentation skills, assessment centres) At Level 3 – focus on individual guidance 1-1 interviews, workshops to develop transition skills (CV & application writing, networking, job- hunting, interview & presentation skills, assessment centres)
Current success stories Careers sessions for departments – 68 last year across all campuses Careers sessions for departments – 68 last year across all campuses MPloy – employability guide with SU Jobshop MPloy – employability guide with SU Jobshop Generic modules - highly rated by students SLE201 Careers and Employability SLE203 Volunteering and Employability Generic modules - highly rated by students SLE201 Careers and Employability SLE203 Volunteering and Employability Partnership with Humanities – their PDP/Careers menu encourages students to seek interviews, attend use the Careers Centre… Partnership with Humanities – their PDP/Careers menu encourages students to seek interviews, attend use the Careers Centre…
Key Message Planned partnership working between the Careers Centre and faculties is crucial - career planning and management best introduced to students in the context of a relevant module, endorsed & supported by academics… Planned partnership working between the Careers Centre and faculties is crucial - career planning and management best introduced to students in the context of a relevant module, endorsed & supported by academics…
Future directions… Flexible delivery of guidance – bookable appointments on campuses Flexible delivery of guidance – bookable appointments on campuses Careers sessions embedded into faculty PDP programmes and modules - shared delivery of SLE modules? Careers sessions embedded into faculty PDP programmes and modules - shared delivery of SLE modules? On-line career management resources, customised for faculties… On-line career management resources, customised for faculties…