Signs, Symptoms and Findings
EXAMPLES OF TYPES OF PHYSICAL PATHOLOGY Independent organismal continuant Portion of canonical body substance Pathological anatomical structure Fractured Femur Anatomical structure Pathological epithelial cell Pathological colon Neoplasm Hyperplastic Growth Benign Tumor Malignant Tumor Canonical anatomical structure Portion of pathological body substance Portion of body substance Pathological anatomical formation
acute disorder (Jane bruises her leg) continuants City HC Jane’s leg pain Jane’s left leg bruising of Jane’s left leg Jane Dr. Peters image of Jane’s left leg City HC’s EHR system Jane’s fall Jane’s left leg becoming bruised Dr. Peter’s examination of Jane’s left leg taking the picture of Jane’s left leg occurrents healing of Jane’s left leg Dr. Peters’ act of diagnosing Universals EHR system Hospital Pain Quality Person Leg Bruising Image Instances Patient RoleJane as patient initation of Jane’s patient role
progressive disorder and associated information artifacts initial phase of homeostasis pre-clinical (covert) clinical (overt) onset of process leading to departure from homeostasis feelings of ill health acts of patient self-assessment occurrents history taking progressive disorder independent continuants specimen collection physical examination laboratory test person patient (role) specimen specifically dependent continuants subjectively accessible qualities on the side of the patient (symptoms) objectively accessible qualities on the side of the patient (signs) generically dependent continuants laboratory test result representation of sign representation of symptom act of interpretation { findings diagnosis pathological process