Andy Blake Cambridge University Wednesday June 13 th 2007 Combined Atmospheric Analysis: Study of 6 Month’s Data.
Overview Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 2 Developing a combined atmospheric neutrino analysis: – Contained vertex muon neutrinos (John Chapman). – Upward-going muons (Brian Rebel, John Chapman). – Contained vertex electron neutrinos (Ben Speakman). Currently developing event selection code: – All track and shower selection variables now calculated in AtNuOutput classes and stored in AtNuEvent classes. – Event selection implemented in AtNuAna package. – Analysis variables written to short AtNuAna Ntuples. Have now completed study using six month data sample.
Event Selection Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 3 DATA / MC DATA QUALITY CHECKS GOOD TRACKSGOOD SHOWERS GOOD EVENTS UPWARD-GOING MUONS CONTAINED VERTEX ELECTRON NEUTRINOS Outline of event selection: John and Brian’s track selection Ben’s shower selection Data: HV, coil, GPS, LI, bad chips etc. MC: large scatters. LI rejection, clean planes, “fiducial” event
Event Types Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 4 typedef enum EEventType { kNothing = 0x00, kGoodSlice = 0x01, kGoodEvent = 0x02, kGoodTrack = 0x04, kGoodShower = 0x08, kCV = 0x10, kCE = 0x20, kUP = 0x40, kFC = 0x80, kPC = 0x100, kPCDN = 0x200, kPCUP = 0x400, kUPMU = 0x800, kCosmic = 0x1000, kStoppingMuon = 0x2000, kThroughGoingMuon = 0x4000, kMultipleMuon = 0x8000, kVeto = 0x10000, kSpill = 0x20000, kBeamSpill = 0x40000, kFakeSpill = 0x80000, kGoodDirection = 0x100000, kGoodCharge = 0x200000, kPositiveCharge = 0x400000, kNegativeCharge = 0x800000, kAtmosNumu = 0x , kAtmosNumuCV = 0x , kAtmosNumuUP = 0x , kAtmosNue = 0x , kLIevent = 0x , kMCscatter = 0x } EventType_t; typedef enum EAtmosEventType { kNothing = 0x00, kGoodEvent = 0x01, kSpill = 0x02, kBeamSpill = 0x04, kVeto = 0x08, kCV = 0x10, kUP = 0x20, kGoodTrack = 0x40, kGoodShower = 0x80, kAtmosNumu = 0x100, kAtmosNumuCV = 0x200, kAtmosNumuUP = 0x400, kAtmosNue = 0x800, kAtmosNumuCVcut1 = 0x1000, kAtmosNumuCVcut2 = 0x2000, kAtmosNumuCVcut3 = 0x4000, kAtmosNumuCVcut4 = 0x8000, kAtmosNumuUPcut1 = 0x10000, kAtmosNumuUPcut2 = 0x20000, kAtmosNumuUPcut3 = 0x40000, kAtmosNumuUPcut4 = 0x80000, kAtmosNueCVcut1 = 0x100000, kAtmosNueCVcut2 = 0x200000, kAtmosNueCVcut3 = 0x400000, kAtmosNueCVcut4 = 0x } AtmosEventType_t; Event Types containment cosmics veto shield, beam spills good direction, good charge light injection MC scatter Atmospheric Neutrino Event Types containment cuts upward going cuts electron neutrino cuts Above event types defined by methods in AtNuAna class.
6 Month Study Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 5 Data. – runs 31812/ /6. (Jun 1 st Dec 31 st 2005). – 206 days live time. Atmospheric Neutrino MC. – runs (Cambridge). – 10x kT-Yrs. Upward Muon MC. – runs (Brian). – 100x 2 yrs. Cosmic Muon MC. – runs (Cambridge). – 100x 17 hrs (70 days).
Data Quality Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 6 Good Data Bad Data
Data Quality Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 7 BAD HV BAD COIL Integrated Live Time 100% line
Data/MC Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 8 Stopping Muons: Reconstructed Zenith Angle
Data/MC Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 9 Stopping Muons: RMS of Down-Going Timing Fit Timing fitting code under further study
Data/MC Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 10 Stopping Muons: Track Fit Relative Error
Reconstruction Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 11 Selected Contained Atmospheric Muon Neutrinos: Reconstructed Muon Momentum From Range.
Reconstruction Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 12 Selected Contained Atmospheric Muon Neutrinos: Reconstructed Muon Momentum From Curvature.
Reconstruction Checks Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 13 Selected Contained Atmospheric Muon Neutrinos: Reconstructed Hadronic Shower Energy.
Contained Event Selection Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 14 Good Event Selection – Data Quality Cuts. Good Track Selection. – Track Planes. – Track Like Planes. – Track Pulse Height Fraction. – “Fiducial” Track. Containment Cuts. – Contained Vertex. – Trace Cut. – Topology Cuts (I). – Topology Cuts (II). – Veto Shield Cut. John C’s Selection Cuts
Trace Cut Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 15 Contained Event Selection: Trace cut
Topology Cuts (I) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 16 Contained Event Selection: Mean/RMS position of strips around vertex
Topology Cuts (I) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 17 Contained Event Selection: Maximum plane charge, Strip displacement at vertex
Topology Cuts (II) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 18 Contained Event Selection: Vertex Charge vs Track Direction Region removed by selection cut
Veto Shield Cut Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 19 Time of Closest Veto Shield Hit (Cut at ±50 ns)
Results Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 20 Data cosmic Background atmos (no oscillations) upward (no oscillations) Contained33,54030,410 ± 3,04094 ± 142 ± 0 Trace2,3302,090 ± ± 131 ± 0 Topology (I) ± 5083 ± 121 ± 0 Topology (II) ± 2081 ± 121 ± 0 Veto Shield846 ± 179 ± 121 ± 0 expectation = 86 ± 12 events (no oscillations) Contained Event Selection
Up-Going Event Selection Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 21 Good Event Selection. – Data Quality Cuts. Good Track Selection. – Track Planes. – Track Like Planes. – Track Pulse Height Fraction. – “Fiducial” Track. Up Going Cuts. – Topology Cuts. – Timing Cuts (I). – Timing Cuts (II). John C’s Selection Cuts
Timing Cuts (I) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 22 Upward Event Selection: RMS timing deviations (up going, down going timing fits)
Timing Cuts (I) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 23 Upward Event Selection: RMS(up) / Range cut
Timing Cuts (I) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 24 Upward Event Selection: time slope cut
Timing Cuts (II) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 25 Upward Event Selection: RMS(up)-RMS(down)
Results Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 26 Data cosmic Background atmos (no oscillations) upward (no oscillations) Topology ± 5043 ± 652 ± 8 Timing (I)69031 ± 544 ± 7 Timing (II)55026 ± 443 ± 6 expectation = 69 ± 10 events (no oscillations) Upward Event Selection
Electron Neutrino Selection Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 27 Good Event Selection. – Data Quality Cuts. Good Shower Selection. – Clean Planes. – Shower Planes. – Shower Pulse Height Fraction. – “Fiducial” Shower. Up Going Cuts. – Contained Vertex. – Shower Trace. – Mean/RMS strips/charge per plane. – Moment of Inertia Tensor. Ben’s Selection Cuts
Shower Trace Cut Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 28 Electron Neutrino Selection: Shower Trace. SHORT SHOWERSLONG SHOWERS
Topology Cuts Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 29 Electron Neutrino Selection: RMS Strips Per Plane. SHORT SHOWERSLONG SHOWERS
MOI Cuts Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 30 Electron Neutrino Selection: Moment of Inertia Tensor. SHORT SHOWERSLONG SHOWERS
Veto Shield Cut Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 31 Time of Closest Veto Shield Hit (Cut at ±50 ns)
Results Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 32 Data cosmic Background atmos (no oscillations) upward (no oscillations) Contained ± ± 80 ± 0 Trace ± ± 80 ± 0 Topology ± 1742 ± 60 ± 0 MOI18761 ± 737 ± 60 ± 0 Veto Shield374 ± 136 ± 50 ± 0 expectation = 40 ± 5 events (no oscillations) Electron Neutrino Selection
Summary Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 33 Data cosmic Background atmos (no oscillations) upward (no oscillations) FC695.2 ± ± ± 0.3 PCDN170.8 ± ± ± 0.0 PCUP ± ± 0.2 UPMU ± ± 6.2 Muon Neutrino Selection Data cosmic Background atmos (no oscillations) upward (no oscillations) NUE374.4 ± ± 5.40 ± 0 Electron Neutrino Selection
Selected FC/PC Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 34 Selected FC/PC Events: Vertex Distance from Edge of Detector
Selected FC/PC Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 35 Selected FC/PC Events: Reconstructed Neutrino Energy
Selected FC/PC Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 36 Selected FC/PC Events: Reconstructed L/E
Vetoed FC/PC Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 37 Vetoed FC/PC Events: Vertex Distance from Edge of Detector
Vetoed FC/PC Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 38 Vetoed FC/PC Events: Reconstructed Zenith Angle (from top of track)
Vetoed FC/PC Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 39 Vetoed FC/PC Events: Track Planes.
Selected UPMU Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 40 Selected UPMU Events: Reconstructed Muon Momentum
Selected UPMU Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 41 Selected UPMU Events: Reconstructed Zenith Angle Need to add the horizontal events
Selected NUE Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 42 Selected NUE Events: Vertex Distance from Edge of Detctor
Selected NUE Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 43 Selected NUE Events: Shower Planes
Selected NUE Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 44 Selected NUE Events: Reconstructed Shower Energy. Reconstructed using hadronic energy scale, So needs re-tuning
Vetoed NUE Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 45 Vetoed NUE Events: Vertex Distance from Edge of Detector
Vetoed NUE Events Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 46 Vetoed NUE Events: Reconstructed Shower Energy Large disagreement between data and MC
Summary Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityCombined Analysis, slide 47 Much of Analysis Implemented. – Data Quality Checks. – Data/MC Comparisons. – MC Checks. – Event Selection. Some disagreements. – Timing Simulation. – Shower Energy Reconstruction. – Electron Neutrino Background. Future Work. – Timing Calibration for Latest Data. – Study Veto Shield. – Bayesian L/E Resolution.