Gwynneth Davidoff, Kendall Pletcher, Mary Schmidt, Amy Whitcombe
Finalized SOW To design and implement a Mac-based controller and housekeeping measurement system for a modulated x-ray source. The controller should be capable of outputting two user-specified high voltages (0-3kV and 0-10kV) to the nearest V, as well as a signal necessary to achieve a desired relative flux output from a UV LED. The housekeeping measurement system will constantly display relevant measurements—the current, voltage, and temperature of the LED as well as the current and voltage input to the two DC-DC converters—to the user.
PERT chart See Excel file at mxs/ mxs/
Progress Adding to GUI PICs PoE Lab 3 (USB to PIC communication) Looked through code Researching components Current measurement Temperature measurement Digital to analog conversion
Next steps Use specifics from Keith (LED datasheets, etc.) to ID components so that we can begin detailed designs Really need to finalize sensor choices From there, we can understand the inputs/outputs for the PIC code Hardware design