Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl Recent Resources for G4NAMU This talk provides pointers to some recent resources of interest to G4NAMU members.
Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl New Installation Guides In preparation for the Geant4 Tutorials that were held at Jefferson Lab in May, completely new installation guides were prepared. The guides were successfully used by the 130 attendees of this largest Geant4 tutorial ever. We highly recommend them New versions of the guides will appear in that same file path very soon for the newest Geant4 release 8.1.p01
Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl Presentation on Event Biasing and Variance Reduction Techniques Jane Tinslay of the SLAC Geant4 team gave a presentation at the Jefferson Lab tutorial that constitutes the best survey to date of the various event biasing and variance reduction techniques available within Geant4. She has pointed out techniques that even many of the Geant4 developers did not know we had supported. or.pdf
Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl The JLAB Tutorials The four day Geant4 course that was given at Jefferson Lab last May provides an excellent structured course that you can pursue at your own pace. Just follow the links from the agenda page.
Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl JLAB Tutorial Hands-On Example 6 One of the hands-on examples from the JLAB tutorial shows you how to implement Bremsstrahlung Splitting. It is based on an experimental benchmark originally coded for Bruce Faddegon.
Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl The next Geant4 course (and last one scheduled this year in North America) is to be held at McGill University, Montreal, September 25th-28th. Will be similar in scope to the very successful JLAB Tutorial. Registration will be closing soon (seats are almost all filled).
Jul Recent Resources for G4NAMU J. Perl New Example: Nested Parameterization In response to user requests, Makoto Asai has prepared a new example that demonstrates use of Nested Parameterization to save memory for voxel geometries. The new example will be included in the next major Geant4 release, 9.0 and can be obtained before then as a beta release from: See Makoto’s talk a little later in this G4NAMU meeting.