Qian Chen, Guangtao Zhai, Xiaokang Yang, and Wenjun Zhang ISCAS,2008
Introduction Scalable visual sensitivity profile (SVSP) SVSP in noise-shaping SVSP in ROI coding of JPEG2000 SVSP in ROI scalable video coding Conclusion
Computational visual attention models have been developed over the last 20 years and have already facilitated various aspects of the evolution in visual communication systems. Its important applications is to enhance the image and video compression algorithms perceptually.
Feature extraction down-sampling filter Center surround receptive field simulation Cross level addition and normalize Non-linear feature combination
Low-level Feature Detection Intensity channel : Color channels : Orientation channel : motion channel : optical flow Gabor filter
By iteratively down-sampling for L times of these channels,we can create pyramids for each of these channels of the frame i Center-surround Receptive Field Simulation c ∈ [0, 8], s = c + δ, δ ∈ [−3,−2,−1, 1, 2, 3] and s is thrown away if s ∈ [0, 8].
Cross level addition and normalize Non-linear Feature Combination
Skin & caption detection Down-sampling filter SVSP integration Post-processing
Skin Color Detection The skin color area indicates the appearance of people and often attracts human attention. Hsu’s [5] skin model Caption Detection Luo’s [6]
SVSP integration Considering the fact that human face by its nature attracts more low-level human attention, we emphasize skin map more and α = 1.5, β = 1.2 Ref.G. T. Zhai, Q. Chen, X. K. Yang, W. J. Zhang,”Scalable Visual Significance Profile Estimation”, submitted to International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April, 2008, Las Vegas, US.
To validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. JND (Just-noticeable distortion/difference) :refers to the visibility threshold below which changes cannot be perceived by human. Noise shaping is a popular way to evaluate the correctness of JND models.
Noise-injection process is : The proposed VSP-based JND model is : We will compare it with Chou’s JND model [8] JNDC and the JND model we previously proposed [9] JNDY
(a)Luminance of frame 51 in president debate.(b)Chou’s JND model, PNSR=25.99 dB. (c)Yang’s JND model, PNSR=25.99 dB. (d) proposed VSP-based JND model, PNSR=25.99 dB.
We define the arbitrary ROI a in an image as areas that take half the top values in. To generate a rectangular ROI r, we explore a seeded region growing algorithm, seed is placed at the most saliency point in and then expands to surroundings. The stopping criterion is that the pixel value on region borders falls below 60% of the starting seed-value.
(a) Details of the most sensitive of frame 51 in president debate. (b) Details of image coded at 0.1bpp with arbitrary ROI defined in VSP, PSNR-Y=27.2dB. (c) Details of image coded at 0.1bpp with rectangular-shaped ROI defined in SVP, PSNR- Y=32.6dB. (d)Details of image coded at 0.1bpp without ROI, PSNR-Y=24.0dB.
SVSP Filter out isolated Most saliency point Sensitive region
(a) Average PSNR-Y vs. bit rate of president debate.(b) Average PSNR-Y vs. bit rate of foreman. ( c) Average PSNR-Y vs. bit rate of crew. (d)Average PSNR-Y vs. bit rate of coastguard.
Visual comparison in saliency area of frame 60 in president debate, CIF size coded at 900 kbps. (a)without ROI (b)with SVSP defined ROI
This paper applies the proposed computational model for scalable visual sensitivity profile (SVSP) to image/video processing. Extensive experimental results have justified the effectiveness of the proposed SVSP model.