Rocky Shore Food Chain Drama Scene descriptions
Before you start…. Remind students to respect each other during the drama and to act like their animal/plant. No hitting or pushing is allowed during the drama Go over how each animal moves Remind them of the 4 groups: the producers, the grazers, the scavengers, and the predators.
Scene 1 The tide is low Algae is on stage The grazers enter and hunker down Opihi and pipipi should be on the rocks The sun starts to rise………
Scene 2 As the sun is rising, the algae begin moving back in forth because they are getting energy from the sun to make their own food. The tide begins to rise too The plankton begin to drift around in the water
Scene 3 The rock-boring urchins (‘ina) grab plankton drifting by using their tube feet Helmet urchins move around on rocks and scrape algae off the rocks. The sea cucumber (loli) slowly moves and grazes on the algae using its tentacles
Scene 4 Then, a brittle star grabs some plankton and scavenges the floor of the tidepool A sea star moves on the floor and eats urchins The a’ama and hermit crab scavenge and eat pipipi if they can
Scene 5 The tide goes down again (low tide) The sun goes down, and the moon rises. All animals left hunker down to protect themselves and keep their moisture in. The algae stop moving because the sunlight is gone. The end.