Italian Gothic Arnolfo di Cambo, Francesco Talenti, Andrea Orcagna, and others. Florence Cathedral, Florence. Begun 1296; redesigned 1357 and 1366; drum and dome by Brunelleschi, ; campanille by Giotto, Andrea Pisano, and Francesco Talenti, c Plan of Florence Cathedral, Andrea Pisano, Life of John the Baptist, south doors, Baptistry of San Giovanni, Florence,
Florence Cathedral, Florence. Begun 1296; redesigned 1357 and 1366; drum and dome by Brunelleschi, ; campanille by Giotto, Andrea Pisano, and Francesco Talenti, c
16-64 Andrea Pisano, Life of John the Baptist, south doors, Baptistry of San Giovanni, Florence,
Italian Gothic Duccio, Virgin and Child in Majesty, Miesta Alterpiece, Siena Cathedral, Tempera and gold on wood Plan of front and back of Maesta Altarpiece Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi, Annunciation and Saints, altarpiece from Siena Cathedral, 1333; 19th c. frame Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegory of Good Government in the City and Allegory of Good Government in the Country, fresco on the Sala Della Pace, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy,
16-66 Duccio, Virgin and Child in Majesty, Miesta Alterpiece, Siena Cathedral, Tempera and gold on wood
16-68 Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi, Annunciation and Saints, Alterpiece from Siena Cathedral, 1333; 19th c. frame
16-70 Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegory of Good Government in the City and Allegory of Good Government in the Country, fresco on the Sala Della Pace, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy,
16-70 Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegory of Good Government in the City and Allegory of Good Government in the Country, fresco on the Sala Della Pace, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy,
Italian Gothic Giotto di Bondone, Virgin and Child Enthroned, Church of the Ognissanti, c Giotto di Bondone, Last Judgment on west wall, Life of Christ and the Virgin on north and south walls, Arena Chapel, Padua, Consecrated Giotto di Bondone, The Lamentation, , Arena Chapel, Padua
16-72 Giotto di Bondone, Virgin and Child Enthroned, Church of the Ognissanti, c
16-73 Giotto di Bondone, Last Judgment on west wall, Life of Christ and the Virgin on north and south walls, Arena Chapel, Padua, Consecrated 1305
16-74 Giotto di Bondone, The Lamentation, , Arena Chapel, Padua