By Steven & Ashley
Monarchy Republic (democracy) Dictatorship (Empire)
Monarchy Republic (democracy) Dictatorshi p???
Both governments (Roman and American) are very similar because they: Started out as monarchies and revolted against the kings Then they became a Republic (democracy) or “Thing of the people”
Rome - Made decisions to expand recourses and they be came too spread out. Military conquest meant that the economy of Rome depended less and less on internal production and industry but rather on politics and trade around the wealth won in foreign battle. America- Made decisions similar to Rome. The Military and resources are spread out too thin due to the war over resources.
Rome- War effected the Government because it lead to the senate choosing Dictators. Also it lead to Caesar naming himself dictator. America- War has effected the government because it makes it more prone to making decisions that endanger civil rights.
The Roman senate could name a Dictator in the event of war. Rome had many dictators but Julius Caesar is the most famous. Caesar after coming back from a victory forced the senate to name him dictator for life or Emperor. Roman Empire
America may follow in Rome’s footsteps into a dictatorship. This is Because in a time of war Obama can be named dictator for some time and have total control until the war is over or the threat is gone.
Both Rome and the U.S are very similar in how their Governments started. Also in government & the decisions. how their Governments started. Eg: types of government, economic war and how it effected the government. And how the government made the resources spread out to thin.