THE CHANGING UNDERSTANDING OF MISSION From Ransoming Pagan Babies to Mission on Every Continent
THE GOSPEL IN A NUTSHELL God created the world out of love but people distanced themselves from God’s love and one another. God created the world out of love but people distanced themselves from God’s love and one another. God sent Jesus to our world to show us who we are and how we are to live. God sent Jesus to our world to show us who we are and how we are to live. Jesus taught us God’s love which embraces all people, including the “impure”. Jesus taught us God’s love which embraces all people, including the “impure”. Jesus Christ was God’s love, forgiveness, salvation, healing, justice, and compassion in the flesh. Jesus Christ was God’s love, forgiveness, salvation, healing, justice, and compassion in the flesh. Jesus reestablished the right relationship with God through his life, death, and resurrection. Jesus reestablished the right relationship with God through his life, death, and resurrection. Jesus was on a mission from God, and we Christians need to continue the mission in the flesh. Jesus was on a mission from God, and we Christians need to continue the mission in the flesh.
MISSION BEFORE VATICAN II Carried out for the benefit of the pagans abroad. Accomplished by clergy, mostly European and American. Supported financially by laity back home. Church’s work for the salvation of souls. With the purpose to plant the church in these mission fields.
NEW UNDERSTANDING OF MISSION: POST-VATICAN II The Church is missionary by its very nature. The Church is missionary by its very nature. God was and is present in other religions, non-Western cultures, and in the world and society in general. God was and is present in other religions, non-Western cultures, and in the world and society in general. Mission is proclaiming, serving, and witnessing to God’s reign of love, salvation, and justice. Mission is proclaiming, serving, and witnessing to God’s reign of love, salvation, and justice. The work of mission is not to save and help other people, but to develop a reciprocal relationship with others. The work of mission is not to save and help other people, but to develop a reciprocal relationship with others. The call of mission is not restricted to certain peoples or geographical areas; it includes peoples of all races, nations, and generations. The call of mission is not restricted to certain peoples or geographical areas; it includes peoples of all races, nations, and generations. Mission is not just out there but also in here. Mission is not just out there but also in here.
MISSION AND TABLE FELLOWSHIP One image of mission is a table since all cultures recognize the importance of sharing food to maintain, strengthen, and reestablish relationships. Around the Eucharistic table we are nourished, as individuals and as a community, by God’s word and by sharing the Body and Blood of Christ. Mission is concerned with responding to the physical and spiritual hungers of the whole person and of entire communities. The image of table fellowship encompasses all aspects of proclaiming, serving, and witnessing to God’s reign of love, salvation, and justice. It links Jesus as the bread of life with our daily life, our Christian faith, and our relationship with people both near and far.
QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION In which group do you place yourself: “old” style supporter of the missions? Those who question the purpose of mission? Those disinterested in mission? Those engaged in mission? How do you understand the mission of the Church?