The ITIS Lab DISCo - Dip. di Informatica, Sistematica e Comunicazione Università di Milano Bicocca viale Sarca 336/14, 20124, Milano (Italy)
ITIS Lab 2 People Head of the lab Flavio De Paoli, PhD associate professor Permanent members Alessandra Agostini associate professor Carlo Batini full professor, department head Giorgio De Michelis full professor Andrea Maurino, PhD researcher Marcello Sarini, PhD researcher Carla Simone full professor Temporary members Daniele Barone phd student Silvia Calegari, PhD junior scientist Marco Comerio phd student Federico Cabitza, PhD junior research fellow Giuseppe Frisoni junior scientist Simone Grega junior scientist Marco P. Locatelli, PhD junior scientist Marco Loregian, PhD junior research fellow Gianluigi Viscusi, PhD junior scientist
ITIS Lab 3 Foundations In 2007, four labs already collaborating in several initiatives merged to found the ITIS Lab COOTECH Cooperation Technologies MAC Models and Architectures for Coordination SEQUOIAS Service and Quality Oriented Information Systems SEQUOIAS Service and Quality Oriented Information Systems DSE Distributed Systems Engineering ITIS Innovative Technologies for Interaction and Services ITIS Innovative Technologies for Interaction and Services Cooperative Systems is the gluing concept around which ITIS is built
ITIS Lab 4 Interaction technologies and ubiquitous computing Rich semantic interfaces Multimodal and multi-channel access Seamless interaction with heterogeneous devices Context-aware computing Interaction technologies and ubiquitous computing Rich semantic interfaces Multimodal and multi-channel access Seamless interaction with heterogeneous devices Context-aware computing Distributed Systems & Services Engineering Peer-2-Peer cooperative systems Knowledge Management Semantic Web services Web service selection and composition Business Process Management and Workflow Management Systems Distributed Systems & Services Engineering Peer-2-Peer cooperative systems Knowledge Management Semantic Web services Web service selection and composition Business Process Management and Workflow Management Systems Cooperation technologies Models and tools to enhance human coordination Community of practices and Community Systems Inspirational Learning Environments Healthcare Cooperation technologies Models and tools to enhance human coordination Community of practices and Community Systems Inspirational Learning Environments Healthcare Information systems Data quality Service-based multidisciplinary methodologies e-Government Cooperative Information systems Information systems Data quality Service-based multidisciplinary methodologies e-Government Cooperative Information systems Research areas ITIS research focuses on four main areas:
ITIS Lab 5 Skills Cooperation Technologies Definition and design of: Models and architectures to build flexible, adaptive, and innovative technologies Technologies to facilitate and support collaboration, communication, coordination, and knowledge sharing Systems supporting communities both at work and in everyday life Focusing on: Knowledge workers and complex work settings characterized by heterogeneity, mobility, distributedness, and high dynamicity (e.g., healthcare, archeology) Social integration of penalized subjects (e.g., elderly, children)
ITIS Lab 6 Skills Information Systems Interdisciplinary Methodologies for e- Government: technological vs. social, economic, juridical and organizational issues Data Quality Methodologies and techniques for Data Quality Measurement and Improvement in Cooperative Systems and Data Integration A comprehensive methodology that considers costs + processes + dimensions + techniques, to choose the “optimal” improvement processes Quality Driven Query Answering & Data cleansing Dependencies among dimensions
ITIS Lab 7 Skills Services Engineering Service-Oriented Computing Models and techniques to address non-functional properties (NFP) Description and composition of service qualities Semantics to enhance the business perspectives Services linked to business processes Selection of value-added services Repository-based solutions Quality-Driven Web-service design An innovative design methodology that considers business requirements + technological opportunities + user profiles to deliver added-value business services Business process management NFP-based selection and execution of (composite) Web Services Multi-channel Services
ITIS Lab 8 ITIS projects
ITIS Lab 9 Projects & Initiatives eG4M (Italian FIRB MIUR) - eGov for Mediterranean Countries eProcurement in developing countries: a comprehensive methodology Social, economic, juridical and organizational issues SEEMP (EU IST FP6) - Single European Employment Market Place Service integration for Public Employment Services Data quality and non-functional properties NeP4B (Italian FIRB MIUR) - Network Peers for Business An organizational model based on collaborative business processes An infrastructure based on independent and interoperable semantic peers ORME (Italian industrial project Ministry of Economic Development) – Operational Risk Management Environment ORME-DQ tools for Data Quality measurement and improvement SWIRLS (Internal project) - Supporting Wards with Interactive Resources and Logic-based Systems Contextual flexible and adaptive support to clinical care MOSAICO (Internal project) - Organizational Models and Cooperative Information Systems for distributed care Patient and process centered support in health care domain Providing technological support to facilitate continuity of care. NEXTT, UniMiB spin-off initiative industrial development and delivery of methodologies and prototypes for business-oriented eServices
ITIS Lab 10 Past Projects MILK (EU IST FP5) - Multimedia Interaction for Learning and Knowing Knowledge Management system to support communities of workers in organizations Ontology-based profiling & reach semantic interface and interaction ATELIER (EU IST- FP5) Architecture and Technology for Inspirational Learning Environments Learning environments based on creative practices in design, architecture and art Ontology-based knowledge management services for seamless interaction
ITIS Lab 11 Networked Peers for Businesses NeP4B aims to develop a technological infrastructure to enable companies of any nature, size and geographic location to search for partners, exchange data, negotiate and collaborate. The infrastructure will be based on independent and interoperable semantic peers who behave as nodes of a virtual trusted network ITIS tasks Value model for networked peers Strategic and organizational issues Semantic Repository of Services Value based Model for G2B Services Semantic Web Services Model for non functional properties (NFP) description Development of an engine for NFP-based semantic web services discovery and selection
ITIS Lab 12 Single European Employment Market Place The SEEMP (Single European Employment Market Place) project aims at enhancing the already provided e-Employment services by means of ontology-based, peer-to-peer (P2P) interoperability infrastructure, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ITIS tasks Quality Driven Query Answering Knowledge meta-model for evaluating data sources Quality driven Query answering tool Data cleansing General techniques Web Services Selection Ranking algorithm based on Non Functional Properties (NFP)
ITIS Lab 13 eGovernment for Mediterranean Countries The eGovernment for Mediterranean Countries (MCs) project aims at investigating new methodologies for supporting MCs in establishing and consolidating the most suitable eGovernment projects The goal is to help Developing Countries and Countries with economies in transition in modernising their public administration through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by providing them a set of tools including: the eGovernment Reference Model (eModel) an eGovernment methodology, that provides extensive guidelines for the effective design and deployment of eGovernment plans solutions for their specific context ITIS tasks Methodolology for eGovernment Planning (Strategic and Operational) Focus on Quality and Organizational issues. Relationships between technology and the other perspectives
ITIS Lab 14 Supporting Wards with Interactive Resources and Logic-based Systems Providing a contextual flexible and adaptive support to clinical care. ITIS Tasks: Design a decision support system considering paper-based clinical documentation (PaperMind initiative) Design an augmented clinical record to promote awareness information about care activities w.r.t. the current patient’s context (MedAware initiative) Design a framework to integrate clinical record with clinical pathways (PAT.i.E(I)NT initiative)
ITIS Lab 15 MOSAICO The project is about distributed care and aims at providing a technological support to facilitate continuity of care. In particular: it aims to design technologies to support coordination among several heterogeneous actors spread over the territory, with different competences and skills, working for different institutions involved in the care of a patient ITIS Tasks: field studies to identify functionalities to support the coordination among distributed actors mock-ups design to test with clinicians the effectiveness and usability of the proposed functionalities
ITIS Lab 16 Education Sistemi Informativi e Tecnologie per l’Interazione
ITIS Lab 17 Contact details DISCo - Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione UniMiB - Università di Milano Bicocca Viale Sarca 336/ Milano Italy Web site Head of the ITIS Lab Flavio De Paoli Contact person Marco Loregian