Quarkonium progress in STAR Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sánchez UC Davis Heavy Flavor Working Group, STAR; XXII Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics La Jolla, CA 15/March/2006
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 2Outline Motivation STAR capabilities Trigger e + e - Triggered samples so far Run IV Au+Au: Run V p+p: J/ Prospects for Run VI and beyond.
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 3 Why are we interested in quarkonia? Charmonium suppression: longstanding QGP signature Original idea: screening. lattice calculations confirm screening effects Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.1 29: ,2004 O. Kaczmarek, et al., Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.129: ,2004
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 4 Quarkonium at SPS NA50 data: “Anomalous” suppression. NA60 data: Confirmation (with smaller errors) PHENIX at RHIC, see Wei Xie next… Theory challenge Description of SPS and RHIC data Satz, Digal, Fortunato (percolation) Rapp, Grandchamp, Brown (diss. and recomb.) Capella, Ferreiro (comovers)
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 5 Binding Energy & T D State (2s) c (1p) J/ (1s) E b (GeV) T D /T C State (3s) b (2p) (2s) b (2p) (1s) E b (GeV) T D /T C Digal, Petreczky, Satz; Phys.Rev.D64:094015,2001 Using lattice free energy as potential. Binding Energy & Sequential Suppression. full quarkonium spectroscopy The premise: A full quarkonium spectroscopy can help address the question of deconfinement; ~ direct connection to first principles LQCD. Reality Check: Uncertainties in the calculations (~factor 2), free energy vs. internal energy potential models vs. spectral functions Gluons breaking up J/ , recombination contribution?,
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 6 Lessons learned the hard way To connect with theory, we need a good systematic programme: p+p, Au+Au, vs. cent. vs. √s Measure not just J/ . Excited states are needed for feeddown. Y states are a key, but Small cross section Mass resolution?
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 7 What can STAR contribute? STAR was not built for di-leptons, but… Large acceptance at mid-rapidity | |<1, 0< <2 Pair acceptance ~ single acceptance 2 Electron ID-capabilities TPC dE/dx EMC E>1-2 GeV (full barrel in 2006) TOF p<2-3 GeV/c (only patch, full barrel in the future) Triggering capabilities on Barrel EMC Suitable for single electrons (proxy for open charm) (see J. Harris’s talk tomorrow afternoon) Suitable for di-electrons? J/ are rare, triggering where possible J/ in pp in all systems (no signal without a trigger) large dataset if triggering not possible: J/ in Au+Au
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 8 Electron ID Combine detectors TPC dE/dx in a limited region Barrel EMC for p>1 GeV/c TPC+BEMC 1.5<p< 5 GeV, |p/E-1|<1 P.Djawotho
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 9 Electron Efficiency and Purity P. Djawotho
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 10 J/ “Topology” Trigger: Level-0 Fast, T ≤1 s Divide into 6 sections Find a tower above a threshold Look in the 3 opposite sections in If another tower above threshold, issue trigger. Real Data, p+p Run V
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 11 J/ Software Trigger: Level-2 Looking for e + e - pair Approximate electron daughters with tower cluster Use L0 tower cluster, combine with L2 clusters Energy, Position cos( ) Vertex from trigger detectors timing BBC Resolution ~ 6 cm in Au+Au, but 30 cm in p+p. Otherwise assume vtx at (0,0,0). Make tower cluster pairs, neglecting m e : m 2 inv 2E 1 E 2 (1-cos( 12 )) Issue decision in T<500 s. Real Data, p+p Run V
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 12 Can it be used in Au+Au? High rejection only for peripheral events. Most signal in central events. 98% of the yield is in top 60% central. There is no free lunch… p+p: environment well matched for trigger Au+Au: must rely on a large dataset.
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 13 Trigger: L0 + L2 Advantage: mass is large Can use a simpler L0 trigger Require one BEMC towerwith E T >3.5 GeV Use similar L2 algorithm Can trigger in p+p and also in central Au+Au! Rare triggers can go to “express stream” processing. Very quick turnaround time. Disadvantage: production rate is tiny! Expected less than 100 in the full Run IV Au+Au dataset. Reality, got only a few counts due to many compounded effects Smaller acceptance Less running time BEMC miscalibration Some detectors not ready for L2 in Run IV T. Kollegger
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 14 J/ in Au+Au Run IV No triggering is possible, too much background. Search in the Au+Au dataset of Run IV Signal? Hints so far… Analysis using TPC alone EMC had smaller acceptance p ~ 1.5 GeV/c, borderline for EMC PID Dielectron Invariant Mass (GeV/c 2 ) STAR Preliminary J. González
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 15 Trigger in Au+Au Run IV L0: events with E tower > 3.5 GeV. L2: events with cluster pair masses m>7 GeV/c 2. Trigger works!
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 16 Trigger performance in Au+Au Events sampled per day 4-20 M per day Variations due to need to meet other STAR goals Half-field running Part of heavy-flavor progam: D* -> D+ Additional triggers reducing trigger livetime.
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 17 Analysis in Au+Au run IV Sampled 34.2 b -1 More than 200 M minimum bias events scanned with Upsilon trigger. Comparison w/ offline ~50 M minimum bias events. Small dataset processed Only 3 signal counts (with no background counts) were observed. 1 st STAR measurement where we are Luminosity- limited in a big way. Half field running, no BEMC-based triggers.
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 18 Analysis in Au+Au Upper limit estimation: 90% C.L. : signal < 4.91 B*d /dy C.L. < 7.6 b Acceptance increase will help Factor ~ 4. T. Kollegger N pairs 8.4<m< 10.7 GeV 200 N pairs 10.7<m< 13.0 GeV 100
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 19 Trigger performance in Run V Online monitoring of trigger information. Extremely fast turnaround. No need to wait for offline production to find if trigger is behaving as expected. Energy (MeV) Invariant mass (MeV/c 2 )
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 20 Sample from Run V, p+p Collected 1.7 M triggers Simulation: expected a sample of J/ ’s in this test data set. Data: Yield small, but consistent with simulations. Ready for Run VI! P. Djawotho
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 21 Data and simulation comparison Width is consistent with our detector resolution. Mass is slightly lower than expected (2 )
15/March/2006Manuel Calderón de la Barca 22Future Run VI p+p: Barrell EMC now fully installed | |<1, full azimuth Increase by factor 4 over Run IV di- electron acceptance. L2 trigger has proved to work Will be heavily used in Run VI (jets, dijets) Longer term upgrades Improve vertex knowledge at L0 ~1 cm resolution using upgrade to pVPD used in TOF Additional PID capabilities by full barrel TOF (2009) TOF also allows a better background rejection. R&D on possible muon trigger in |h|<1, 60% azimuth