You feedback includes: 1.Your original case submission (with comments). 2.Your original protocols (with comments) 3.A rubric form (with comments). Computing.


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Presentation transcript:

You feedback includes: 1.Your original case submission (with comments). 2.Your original protocols (with comments) 3.A rubric form (with comments). Computing your total case score: 1.You will find a raw score for your case (rubric total). 2.Your adjusted score = the raw score You may have a bonus (+10) for submitting a tape. 4.Your total score = raw score + 10 (+ 10 for tape). 5.Your total score has been posted to Moodle. 6.Check your points on Moodle against your papers. Elementary Case Study Feedback

How We Reviewed Case Reports 1.Tanya and I reviewed several cases independently and then compared and discussed ratings. We discussed cases until we reached agreement according to the rubric scoring areas. 2. After discussion, we divided the cases between us and individually reviewed cases using our agreed upon interpretation of the rubric. 3. We met to review our score distributions. 4. We adjusted all scores (+10) to align the final score distribution with our broader expectations and the score distributions of prior terms. Elementary Case Study

Elementary Case Study Raw Scores

Elementary Case Study Adjusted Scores This is a negatively skewed distribution that is typical of classroom distributions (unlike most norm-referenced measures). The average case report score was after adding the 10-point adjustment.

If you decide to resubmit … Don’t write on your returned case papers. When you resubmit, turn in: 1. unaltered case data CRI forms, 2. unaltered original case submission, 3. unaltered rubric feedback form, and 4. a revised case study report. Elementary Case Study

Elementary Case Study Review And Suggestions for Revision 1.Review the rubric to see where you lost points. 2.Don’t revise sections where you earned all points unless you make changes elsewhere that require revision. 3.Make sure you understand the rubric. 4.Consult with someone who did well on the case. 5.BUT, stay focused on YOUR data and interpretation. 6.Review instructor comments on the rubric and case. 7.Review your revised case using the rubric. 8.Make sure you respond to areas of weakness. If you have questions about your feedback make an appointment with the instructor who reviewed it.