Hamilton vs. Jefferson The Original Odd Couple
Presidential Advisors Hamilton and Jefferson both served in Washington’s Cabinet. Jefferson was Secretary of State and Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury.
Alexander Hamilton Thought America’s future should be in developing cities, like his home town of New York. Trusted banks and financiers. Wanted to build up American industry. Was most popular in the Northeast.
Thomas Jefferson Thought farmers were God’s most perfect, virtuous citizens. Lived in the country at his Virginia plantation home of Monticello. Distrusted bankers to whom he was deeply in debt. Thought that America’s economy should be based on agriculture.
Hamilton Thought the federal government would promote law and order, peace and stability, and a good environment for business. Distrusted the states and sectional interests. Favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution which gave the federal government broad powers. Admired the British for their economic and military strength. Felt that rulers should be from the well- educated, rich, elite classes.
Jefferson Thought that the Federal government should be kept small and weak. Trusted the states to govern themselves. Believed in a strict limited interpretation of the Constitution that restricted the power of the federal government. Favored France because of their love of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Thought farmers and common citizens should enjoy freedom and lead nation.
Hamilton Wished to strengthen U.S. currency, pay off the national debt, and repair U.S. credit. Insisted on repaying bonds at full value to encourage investment in the U.S. Was a believer in a centralized economy and a National Bank. Agreed to move capital to South to get what he wanted.
Jefferson Did not approve of Hamilton’s plan to use federal money to repay state debts. Thought that honoring U.S. bonds at face value would only reward greedy speculators. Was against central banking because he felt it was not allowed in the Constitution and favored only the rich.
Hamilton: A Federalist to the End Helped get the U.S. off to a good financial start. Remained an advisor to George Washington when Jefferson quit. Was shot and killed in an 1804 duel by Aaron Burr, a personal enemy and Jefferson’s Vice President.
Jefferson: Anti-Federalist/Democratic- Republican to the End Became the third President of the United States in Later doubled the size of the country with the Louisiana Purchase. Founded the University of Virginia and wrote the Declaration of Independence. Died on the 4 th of July, The same day as John Adams on the 50 th anniversary of Independence.