The Science of Psychology
What is Psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
What is a Psychologist?
Where are the Psychologists?
Fields in Psychology
Potential Research Questions What are the genetic contributors to depression? What are the best treatment methods for people who suffer from extreme anxiety? How does brain damage affect an individual’s ability to speak? Why are some people good at reading maps?
Potential Research Questions How can psychologists help college students make career choices? How can we improve the communication between people from eastern and western cultures? What happens to short-term memory as people get older?
Potential Research Questions What qualities make for effective teachers? What are the origins of human jealousy? How can we predict whether a person will commit a dangerous crime? How can people be encouraged to develop healthier diets?
Potential Research Questions What factors make a good manager? Do lonely people have low self-esteem? Are women less likely to be hired as executives than are men? What tests are best at identifying children with learning disorders?
Jobs Held by Psychology Majors
Classical Roots of Psychology Plato and Aristotle 1800s – psychology as a science
Scientific Psychology Wilhelm Wundt 1879, Leipzig, Germany Introspection Structuralism Titchener Structure of the mind Systematic introspection
Scientific Psychology (con’t) Functionalism Function vs. structure Differences rather than similarities Gestalt “form quality” Whole > sum of parts Max Wertheimer
Contemporary Approaches Behaviorism John Watson Observable Behavior Cognitive Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Freud Hysteria
Contemporary Approaches Humanistic CCarl Rogers AAbraham Maslow PPositive Psychology Biological Evolutionary/Sociobiological Sociocultural Multiple Perspectives